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"So where did you get them from?" Douche asked, I had no clue what to say so I just let out whatever came to my mind first. "Maybe it's mosquito bites I don't know, from us being outside so much" I burst out. I heard a few giggles behind me but i managed to keep a straight face. "Like I'm gonna believe that." He said, "hey come on guys- Gabriel cut in. "Oh hey mosquito" Douche smart mouthed, I put a hand over my mouth in shock. "Dariush he'd never do that!" I bursted out, "yeah man I already told you I'm not about that no more." Gabriel said, I knew he was just saying that but it always hurt me when he did.
"Man whatever, but I know." Douche said while walking away, "we shouldn't keep secrets." He added, I almost agreed with that sentence, we were all so close like a little family we should've told the others we had a little thing going on. But I wasn't even sure what we had going on, every time I tried to ask Gabriel he'd just brush it off.
    We ignored the argument and continued walking, "guys we should probably step it up, that things not to far behind us." Alex said "I agree" I added, so we began to fast walk until Gabriel spotted JPL. It looked pretty tore up, if anyone was in there their was no chance they were alive, and if they were they were definitely hurt. "They got this place good" Douche added as we walked in. "No time for talk we need to find the doctor." I said while walking past him, we ran to the main lab and split up while looking for help. "Found anything?" I yelled while shining a flashlight I had in my book sack, it was completely silent but I just kept looking. "O-over here!" Zhen yelled, we all ran to the middle of the room to discover a scene that made me gag. It was the doctor dead in a chair with blood dripping everywhere. "That blood must've been what sent us Messages!" I said while pointing at the dropping blood.
    Then behind us a screen began to light up, "hello! Can anyone hear me?" A older mans voice said. We all looked confused then turned around to see a NASA employer trying to communicate with the computers. "U-um yes we are here and we have the key!" Alex yelled, "wait how old are you, you sound like a little girl?" I giggled at the response but Alex said "I'm thirteen sir, and I'm here to deliver the key but the doctor is dead." The man on the screen sighed "how'd you get the key!?" He asked "an astronaut gave it to us, she told us to deliver it to JPL." The man began to say something but he sighed again "there's nothing we can do, it's over I'm sending two teams to pick you up." All of us accept for Alex turned around and began to walk away. I wasn't hesitating to leave, not gonna lie. "No" I hear Alex say, I turn around to see him with the most serious face I've ever seen. It was almost funny, "what'd you say?" The man repeated. "I said no, I made a promise I'd deliver this key to JPL and save the world. And I'm not leaving until that's accomplished." The man sighed and agreed "Okay someone strong and fast needs to run down to the systems and turn each switch exactly 4 seconds apart." Zhen offered and Alex gave her his favorite watch to time herself. "Now someone needs to climb to the satellites and turn them in the direction for energy." We all looked at each other knowing the height of the climb. "I'll go" Alex demanded, "no Alex your afraid of heights bro." Dariush said struggling to sit up while holding his cut. "That's the problem, I'm scared of everything. I need to do this" Alex complained. "Okay man whatever be safe." Douche replied, Alex then ran to the stairs for the rooftop.
    "Now, insert the key into the lock." The man added, Gabriel obeyed and Inserted the key. "Now get ready to type the number I give you into the number pad in the exact order." The man demanded, I remembered Gabriel's problem with numbers so I stayed close behind him. "Okay the numbers are 75004" I had a piece of paper in my hand, I was writing down the numbers a he spoke. I saw Gabriel struggling to I handed him the paper. But as he grabbed the paper I felt this energy through my body that felt like lighting in my veins. I felt powerful, and I knew my eyes were purple so I turned around and closed them. "Hey are you okay?" Gabriel asked "yeah I'm fine I just need a minute." I reassured him. I saw my hands starting to glow then something unusual happened, something that never happened before. It was like a vision of Alex, but It was like I was watching him climb. I saw him climbing but felt chills on my right side, I looked over to see the alien climbing up the building going towards Alex. "Alex" I whispered then randomly woke up out of the vision.
    I began to run to the stairs going towards the roof, as I grew more frustrated and angrier my hands began to light up more. I learned how to control the light in my hands so I took it away but kept my eyes. It felt right..but as I reached the roof I heard Alex screaming while the alien was climbing the tower. "Hey!" I screamed at the alien trying to get its attention but failed.
    I looked down and closed my eyes, my hands were balled up in fist as I signaled the light to come back I looked up feeling the most powerful I had ever felt. I then rose my hands facing the alien to somehow using a power I didn't even know how to use. It was so natural to me, I'd never used it before but I was using it in ways I didn't know of. I seemed to have telepathically lift the alien with my hands in the air. I had the alien in the air with one hand as I rose the other to use a streaming light of power through my palm towards the alien. It shot through the alien chest and I looked up to Alex looking at me with shock in his eyes. "I'll explain later fix the satellite!" I scream while holding the light against the alien still.
     About 4 minutes past of my blasting the alien with weird purple power until he burst  into dust. I then let go of my powers and felt my legs give out, I hit the ground and felt myself grow weaker and weaker. I heard Alex screaming my name and his footsteps running but it all faded away.

*Okay so I'm so sososospsooxjfodnfksn fricken sorry for not uploading. I've been so busy with my new job so yeah life's stressful atm. Butttt this is the end of this book. I'm doing a sequel. Very soon, so don't worry I've got a lot of free time now. Skakskkskskssk did summer die?????? Idkkk but all I'm tryna say is that this sequel is about to be crazy!*

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