Lady of Winterfell

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"In Winterfell Castle"

Jon was obviously still angry with me but it was fueled with rage I've never seen him like that before he couldn't bare to look at me or at Sam, Sam had told of her presence I was doing what was right for my people and my house but I obviously didn't know of the circumstances of what happened to Daenerys Targaryen I didn't know she was betrayed I didn't know she was raped and had run and instead of trying to help her I sent her back to that snake of a monster. 

Daenerys was staring at Sansa with anger but she was cold and freezing Jon ran up to her and held her in his arms then he yelled as he looked at her wound "Someone get a Maester now!" Jon carried her to a bedroom where she was being examined Dany was crying and screaming she was in so much pain Arya and I were her shields we protected her and held her hands as she was going through the pain Arya was crying she couldn't bare to see that look on her face.

It took some time but Dany finally was stabilized Arya and Jon were outside her room the Maester informed them that any second and she would of bleed to death Arya and Jon were relieved that she was stable and alive they were worried about her the Maester had instructed them to let her rest Arya decided to stay in her room to protect her Jon agreed and went to handle the lords in hallway he knew it was going to get ugly.

"Look I know you all do not trust her but I do Lady Stark made a mistake one that she regrets I'm not saying to forgive but give her a chance alright" evidently enough they agreed to give Lady Stark another chance she decided to let Daenerys stay here in Winterfell until there is no threat they all cheered for her when it was over Jon left to go check on Dany Sansa followed him he was obviously still Angry with her but he had to try and make amends for his sake and hers "how is she?" he didn't look at her he hated her "she got through the night Maester said it's a wait and see now" Jon walked away from her but Sansa stopped him.

"Jon I swear I didn't know what happened her" what Jon was hearing it was unbelievable that she could be this cruel to him he didn't know her anymore she kept begging hime to believe her but that was pushing it too far "I don't know what to believe anymore all I know is the woman that I love is in there fighting for her life because of you!" Arya came out and told Jon Dany was asking for him he took his chance to take his leave Arya couldn't look at her in the eyes  Sansa was upset with guilt and grief. "I didn't mean to hurt her" Arya looked at her sarcastically "no you just meant for her to be abused the way you were when Ramsey Bolton raped you!" Arya walked away leaving Sansa in tears 

Jon held Dany's hand and kissed her he broke down seeing her like that he apologized for what she had to endure with Euron but was glad his sister Arya had saved her despite who she is she smiled at him and told him it would be alright that they would be okay no matter what he kissed her it was interrupted by his brother Bran he delivered a message from her people she was reading the note send by the raven she sat up Jon was curious by her reaction "what's it say?" "it's from Missandei she and Grey worm along with Tyrion are on their here to Winterfell and oh no" Jon was curious as the bad news "apparently it was Varys who betrayed me he conspire with Euron to hurt me" Jon held her in his arms and made her feel loved and secured he swore on his father's name he would protect her.

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