Aegon the King of the Seven Kingdoms

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"In Kings Landing"

Tyrion didn't like the fact that he was here but he remembered he was doing this for his Queen he'd only hoped that he could get through to Aegon before it was too late the Queen had suffered enough the last thing he wanted to do was to upset the Queen he looked at Aegon he had similar features of his family but weather he was cruel or not that depended on him.

Tyrion kneeled before the king and addressed him formerly "your grace" Aegon looked at him not pleased he had know idea why he was here but if he thought he would go easy on him because of his family he was mistaken "So the Queen sent you instead coming herself why?" Tyrion explained the Queen was indisposed right now and couldn't be disturbed Tyrion had to understand why Aegon was harsh yet could not find out why Aegon kept pestering why his cousin did not come was she afraid of him she had nothing to fear Aegon would not hurt her "Why hasn't Queen Daenerys come is she frighten of me?" Tyrion looked at him before he answered "no your grace your cousin has been through a lot and she's in a very fragile state right now".

Aegon was shocked to hear the news he wondered what made her so scared was it him because he took the Iron throne "Did something happened to her please I have to know" Tyrion looked at him with disdain on his face "I'm not sure that's wise your grace" Aegon came down off his Throne and greeted Lord Tyrion with kindness "Please Lord Tyrion nobody in the Capital will tell anything about her or Jon Snow did something happen to her!" he was getting impatient Tyrion agreed to talk him but in his chambers alone the King reluctantly agreed he escorted him to his chambers Aegon was not prepared to hear the news of his cousin.

Tyrion told him everything how the Queen was betrayed defiled and raped by Euron Greyjoy and that her closest friend Missandei and Grey worm had helped her escape from Essos in which she made a crash landing to white harbor near Winterfell and how Jon Snow had helped her protected her and nursed her back to health how she fell In love with him. Aegon couldn't believe what he was hearing it made no sense why would Varys lie to him about his family? He should have been there for his cousins both of them he felt distraught and angry that this happened and he wasn't there when he should have been. Tyrion told him how the Queen grew up the pain and loss she suffered but she was kind and gentle had a good heart and was a good Queen.  

Aegon and Tyrion walked the hallways together laughing of old war stories and about family "so my cousin she's okay then she is safe" Tyrion reassured him she was being well guarded by the Northern people and by Jon Aegon loved hearing stories about his family especially about Daenerys he wished he could meet her because she sounds like quite a woman "now that I know the truth about what happened to her I must ask you that you tell her something she must know about the Iron Throne" he explained everything including his other cousin Jon Snow parentage and how why Varys did what he did in order to place him on the Iron Throne Tyrion was in shocked and was furious "so Daenerys and Jon Snow are Aunt and nephew which means because of who you are you have higher claim then either one of them" the King nodded "Unfortunately yes I don't want to start a war with my cousins especially her" Tyrion now had put the pieces together. 

He now knows why Varys was so desperate to get Daenerys to Marry Euron Greyjoy because while she was being raped and defiled and shamed he found a legitimate heir to sit on the Throne and his plan worked and because of that the Queen lost everything Aegon approached Tyrion handed some items to give to the Queen and Jon Snow "please give them these items they were families heirlooms I hope she puts them to good use" Tyrion was grateful he took his leave and Met Jorah outside they were sailing back to white harbor towards Winterfell Tyrion knows this much The Queen must be told the Truth.

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