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It had been a few years since the great Battle but all hope seemed to be restored Sansa was  Queen in the North it took sometime but she was able to make sure the Northern people were independent under her rule Arya decided to Travel beyond Westeros with Gendry they had many adventures and didn't complain of the weather Brienne was named Warden of the North everyone had rejoiced that day a Woman warrior and a warden commander finally accepted women in their place. Tyrion had remained in Winterfell to help Sansa with her new duties he remained loyal with her the people and with Daenerys.

Tormund had decided to take his people back towards the south it took sometime but the Freefolk were able to get back what they lost they had gained loyalty from Queen Sansa and were granted passage between the North and the south.

As for the rest of Daenerys companions Missandei and Grey Worm had finally made it to Naarth they had lived out their days protecting her people out of peace and prosperity within a year they had gotten married and became Lady and Lord of Naarth they dedicated the ceremony in Daenerys name they kept in touch with her and Jon and were happy they had made it to Bravos safely.

Davos remained in Winterfell for a time until he decided to Join his King in Bravos he now serves them as their hand and advisor and has made sure they are loved by the people in Bravos. He proved to be a loyal friend commander and a true companion.

Sam Tarly stayed in Winterfell with Gilly they had a good life it was within a year Gilly discovers she was pregnant she had given birth to baby boy another son they named him Jon after Sam's best friend and were pleased the Queen was thriving in Bravos.

As for Varys some say he disappeared after King Aegon's death some say he suffered a horrible fate and death to what happened to him we'll never know.

The Iron Island had a new leadership under their new Queen, Queen Yara she had undone what her Uncle had done to their men and made alliances where needed be she was grateful to Queen Daenerys she mourned her brother's death during the Battle of Winterfell but chose to honor him by placing his name in the great hall for all to see he was a hero she still stayed faithful to her oath "what is dead may never be dead and they kill the bastards too".

As for Jon and Dany after the Iron Throne was destroyed they had found a kind of peace they never had imagined they made it to Bravos the people rejoiced over their Queen and King Dany and Jon both mourned Viserion their fallen Dragon but lucky they had Drogon and Rhaegal watching over them it was within a year that Dany had discovered she was pregnant with their second child the Kingdom rejoiced that day on their birth of their second child The Queen had given birth to a healthy baby boy she named him "Eddard" after Jon's father peace was finally brought between them they lived in a palace in Bravos decorated in their Targaryen banners they had a red door and rose garden outside and a lemon tree near the window it was just like her childhood dream house only this was better. Rhaella and Eddard Ned for short were growing up Rhaella had turned 6 years old while Ned was 5.

the King and Queen were discussing a peace treaty with the other houses Davos had advised them on the route they should go he was clear "if we go down this rite it would make the people feel justified" Dany and Jon agreed they had adjourned the meeting a handmaid had brought their two children to them Rhaella had long silver hair like her mothers had her fathers eyes while Ned had brown hair had their mother's eyes both ran up to their parents Daenerys picked up Rhaella "how's my daughter doing today?" "I am learning how to play the harp and sing" Ned looked up to his father his fighting skills had improved "mother, Father will you tell us a story tonight" They agreed their children loved hearing about their adventures with each other.

Late that night Jon and Dany had tucked Rhaella and Ned in bed had sat on their bed and had contemplated on which story they wanted to hear Dany "so what story would you like hear tonight" Ned and Rhaella both answered "something different" Dany and Jon thought for a minute than had the perfect story Dany had began "well how about the story of a song of Fire and Ice" the children were intrigued "What's it about mommy?" Rhaella had asked Jon had answered for her "well this story is about Princess and a Prince both came from different worlds how they met and fell in love" Ned was curious "did they fight in a great battle?" Dany laughed and smiled "yes they did but before that they grew up differently you see the Princess was from the South" Jon looked at her with gleam and answered "and the Prince was from the North they had never met both endured hardship but were survivors and warriors" they had continued part of it till Rhaella and Ned drifted off to sleep Jon and Dany had kissed them goodnight and shut the bedroom door they went out on the balcony Jon held onto his Queen "One day were going have to tell them the truth about our family" Dany agreed "one day but not today this is the kind of life I have always wanted" Jon "one day we'll return to Winterfell" they embraced each other they had found love what more could they ever want.

Late that night Jon and Dany had tucked Rhaella and Ned in bed had sat on their bed and had contemplated on which story they wanted to hear Dany "so what story would you like hear tonight" Ned and Rhaella both answered "something different" Dany a...

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Authors Note: I want to thank everyone who has been reading my story this story might be ending but I will continue to write stories there will be a sequel to this story also I am current writing another story called Jonerys: Love and betrayal so when you have time please check it out as I will be continue to update it.

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