Trial of Fire and Ice

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"In Winterfell war council"

Sansa had entered the war council she was seated next to Jon who was waiting for Daenerys to enter it took some time but Dany was finally able to walk on her own now without Arya, Brienne, and Jon's help as she entered the lords and ladies greeted her with respect and just as she walked she looked at Varys with cold eyes he was the one who had to be judged and not her she was angry and hurt she made her way to her seat and sat next to Jon.

Jon had a lot of anger and rage for a man who betrayed the Queen he loved her and hated this man for what he had done and especially what Dany had endured during those horrific time especially when she had the nightmares which thankfully had stopped thanks to largely part thanks to him he wanted to get this over with so he could spend some time with Dany now that she and her council were staying in Winterfell her Dragons were near the forrest safe for the time being.

Daenerys council sat near the end and Arya sat next to Davos and Gendry sat in the middle Varys was in front of everyone to see the person who had cost him everything. Sansa looked at him with Anger and Rage same as Jon and spoke "you are in the presence of the Lords and Ladies of Winterfell you stand here accused of treason how do you plead Lord Varys?"

"I am sorry Lady Sansa I do not understand" Sansa was getting frustrated "you conspired with Euron Greyjoy to Marry Queen Daenerys in which you would have another Targaryen take her place thanks to your treachery the Queen was defiled and raped by this man do you deny it?"

Varys knew he was done for he was ashamed "I won't deny it but I swear to god I didn't know he was going to do that to her I warned him not to hurt but I guessed he didn't head my warnings. Dany's blood began to boil and she was trembling with anger and rage and Jon could sense it he held her hand together as to comfort her assuring it would be okay both stared at him coldly and  disgust.

"I did what  was necessary for house Targaryen it was the right thing to do" Jon couldn't take it anymore he had to speak "Lady Sansa with permission may I speak?" Sansa agreed to Lord Snow's request and would like to hear what he has to say "I don't know you well Lord Varys except you served Lord Robert who killed my father and destroyed her family I was the one that found Daenerys passed out in the Snow she was broken, scared and terrified and I took care of her I nursed her back to health and I saved her I didn't push her about what happened even after I found out about her identity I stayed with her made sure she was safe and protected her even when the nightmares scared her I didn't abandon her and she trusted me enough to open up to me about her life and what Euron had done to her I hate what you did but she stands her a warrior, survivor, and a true Queen" Everyone cheered for Jon and Daenerys even Sansa was impressed.

a lot of people spoke of Dany Missandei and Grey worm described the kind hearted and gentle person she is and to be violated by Euron was enough to make them feel anger and hatred to Varys but it was not their call it was the Queen's they took some time to consider Judgement Dany was in the other room considering her options on one hand she could have him executed but on the other hand Euron was the real threat not Varys she was confused what to do "Hey you okay you've been pretty quiet" Dany was glad to see him but she needed advice "what would you do if it was your sister?" Jon had been here before but Sansa had gotten justice for the man who raped her but this situation was different "I don't know what I would do I will say this he's not completely to blame if anyone is to blame it's Euron not Varys he deserves redemption whatever you decide I am here Dany" he held her hands and kissed them he walked out of the room as Sansa entered she told her it was a tough crowd she apologized for what she had done Dany was too upset to not forgive and she wasn't responsible Euron was. "Your grace it's time" she nodded she had decided what to do

the council reconvened as the Queen entered Lady Stark spoke as the Queen sat down "I don't relish deciding people's fate and I do not respect what you did to Daenerys however it is her call your grace" Daenerys was scared but she was not frightened "thank you Lady Stark Varys the thought of what you did to me caused me great pain because you not only caused my life but you caused distrust among the people who trusted you but I am not my father so I will not execute you but I cannot trust you won't do the same thing to my advisors therefore I asked that you leave Meereen for good and never look back if you come back to the city I'll have you executed is that clear" Varys nodded in agreement he was let go as he walked away Daenerys  had the last words "Varys I can forget but I won't forgive you for what you did to me" 

Dany sighed almost exhausted and tired after a long day she excused herself to go to her room and rest Jon was worried about her and entered her room "Dany you alright?" he looked concerned she assured him she was fine but unsure she made the right call with Varys but he agreed it was best but something was on his mind and he had to ask "Will you stay in Winterfell?" she told him that she was not going anywhere and she could do some good here Jon was relived to hear she was staying he closed the door so they wouldn't be disturbed he came up to her looked at her with his eyes he kissed her passionately he loved this woman and didn't care if everybody knew about them she panted and moaned between his kisses he pulled her dress down off her he saw the scar on her leg and stopped she looked at him and reassured him she helped him undress he pushed her onto the bed both completely naked Dany was not afraid of him she trusted him completely he kissed went down to her body and kissed it was enough to make her gasps he was being gentle with but she wanted more he kissed her again she whispered "I want you now" that's when he knew he opened her legs and kissed her clit she held down on the sheets moaning  he kissed her deeper she couldn't hold back "oh god! Jon don't stop!" she was close to cuming and she did he rose up pushed her legs down he kissed her lips he wanted to be inside her but didn't want to hurt her she nodded to him it was okay he placed his hands on her shoulder  and flipped her over till she was on her back she was not scared anymore she loved this man Jon held her arms down on the sheets as he kissed her body he entered her slowly she gasped in passion he slowed his speed Jon was close to his climax he pushed harder they were both close he held onto her body as he fucked her hard she screamed louder "Oh god Jon!" both panted as they reached their climax they collapsed afterwards after having sex Jon had made Dany feel loved and made her feel like a  woman she had never experience having an orgasm and he did that for her both sighed underneath the fur after making love she collapsed in his arms "you okay? did I hurt you?" she shock her head "no you were perfect I needed that" Jon was glad it happened "this Aegon Targaryen do you know his identity?" Dany told him no but needed to find him he is her family Jon offered to help her find him she was glad she had him for a moment they drifted off to sleep finding peace within in their selves.

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