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"In Castle of Winterfell"

Dany awoke to the sound of birds chirping her leg was healing but she was still very weak Jon, Arya, and Brienne had helped her the last couple of days she was getting stronger yet she couldn't help but read the message from Missandei prior to that night "Varys betraying her why would he do this and more importantly why did he conspire with Euron?" Those questions lingered in her brain it was hard for to express her feelings she did not know what she was going to do until she herd from her people first she stared at the window contemplating her next move.

Jon came into her room she looked peaceful yet there was a certain pain and sadness in her eyes the message that she read had upset her he and Arya had stayed in her room that night and protected her from anyone do her any harm than she already had endured in his heart he was glad she was safe but his head was full of rage what Sansa had done to her and especially what her own was responsible for her being defiled and raped but he put that aside and only thought of her. she looked at him as he approached her "it looks peaceful here not a care in the world I wish it was like this all the time" he had wished the same but knew the world they live was not like that it was a cold and cruel world he should know his own men had killed him when he was in the night's watch he still had the scars from it lucky for him the red witch had brought him back for a second chance maybe this was it.

Just then Arya came rushing in towards them "your council has arrived if you wish to see them" Daenerys nodded no time like the present it had been so long since she last saw them Jon had helped her walk past the halls into the council chambers as she entered Jon held onto her and got her to stand they looked at her with pain and heartbreak on their faces they were frightened of the people Missandei and Grey Worm had approached her slowly. she looked into her eyes with grief and hugged her "I am so sorry your grace I should have never let you marry that snake" she had regrets.

Daenerys looked at her with content "this is not your fault the only ones is to blame is Varys and that snake Euron Greyjoy" Grey Worm hugged her relived she was safe "I promise you my Queen we will make him pay for what he has done to you" she looked at him with Glee "I have know doubt about that" when she looked at Tyrion he couldn't look at her he felt that he failed her and he couldn't protect her and that he should have known what kind of a monster Euron was. "I feel like I failed you my Queen I should have protected you better done something" she quickly approached "Tyrion we were both betrayed okay it was not your fault okay" he kissed her hand but noticed her wound on her leg "your hurt?" she stood there with pride "I'll live Lord Tyrion this is Jon snow" she said Tyrion shook his hand "Aye yes the Bastard of Winterfell good to see you again Jon and you as well Sansa"

Sansa was shocked that Tyrion was there it had been so long since she last saw him they were married once and he only showed her anything but kindness she also didn't know that Daenerys Targaryen was Queen of her house and of Meereen and she had been the one to send her back to that Monster she felt guilty and disturbed she looked at both Arya and Jon "did you two know she was Queen?" 

Jon was tired of fighting and he had enough and he did not want to hear another word about her "Sansa what does it matter if she's Queen or not it doesn't matter to me" Arya agreed she was still furious with her sister for how she treated Jon's girlfriend Dany she deserved better than this Dany was amazed how both defended her she never had that this was the first .

the last couple of hours Missandei, Grey Worm, and Lord Tyrion had informed their Queen of Varys treachery of her that had to do with Aegon Targaryen who has now conquered the seven Kingdoms Dany was in shock but not surprised Tyrion was planning on how to stop him so Dany could claim the throne but Dany told him it would not make a difference and it was too late Varys had won the Queen felt defeated yet she was okay because their were other matters to deal with than the throne and it did not concern her.

Tyrion spoke with grace and just "Your grace we can defeat Aegon and get your throne back I have a plan" she replied with just "No even if we did that it will not make difference besides I'm not sure I want it after what happened" Jon looked at her not understanding he wonder what she was referring too "what is that you want?" he asked reluctantly she smiled since she had in a long time "growing up the only thing I wanted was a house with a red door and a lemon tree near the window the childhood house I have never known" Missandei touched her hand "what do you want do your grace do you want to go back to Meereen?" Daenerys thought about it for a long time about going back but in the end she told Missandei she wanted to remain in Winterfell by Jon's side she didn't want to leave she had found her home with him.

that night she was exhausted and decided to go to bed when there was a knock on her door she opened the door to her amazement it was Sansa the Lady of Winterfell she wanted to know what she wanted this late at night "Your Grace I probably don't deserve forgiveness for what I did to you but I want you to know that I am truly sorry for what that man put you through" Dany smiled at her held her hands and told her she understands they were interrupted by Maester Wolkens he gave a message to Sansa she read the message and was in shock Dany looked concerned "what is it?" she asked in which Sansa replied "a message for the Queen Varys is in Winterfell waiting for you" she knew at that moment she would have to face the man who was the reason she had suffered at the hands of Euron Greyjoy.

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