Chapter Twenty Three: Amber Lounge

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I caught my breath only to watch the team pushing Sebastian into the water too, holding my hands over my face to shield myself from the splash. The guys fell around laughing as he resurfaced spluttering and laughing. At least he'd been revenged for pushing the Australian in.

"I'm a Dad now, you know?" He smirked, wiping the water away from his eyes. His hair was flopped over his face, the crowd were absolutely loving this.

He composed himself for a while more, giving the thumbs up to the guys which had pushed him into the water in the first place. I gathered that it would have been a different gesture, but Britta was standing close by observing and not to mention the relentless media.

Daniel half swam, half walked over from Sebastian. He perched next to me and looked at my face for what seemed like forever. At least I think it was my face and not my t-shirt which was well and truly clinging to my figure- I could have sworn that his eyes drifted, again. I was just in the process of attempting to ring some of the water out from it, whilst my feet and lower half of my legs were still dangled in the pool. These jeans were ruined.

"Here." he spoke, grinning at me. He lifted his hand up to my face and wiped what I presumed to be makeup away. His thumb was black as he retreated it. "You had some mascara...or whatever it is called there."

"I wonder how that got there." I responded, ignoring the ever intensifying feeling of warmth spreading through my body.

Gingerly, I stood up and exited the pool, dreading the images that the photographers had taken and the stories that I would have to explain; although less cameras were about now the team members had been delighted catching it on their mobile devices too. Boy I couldn't wait to check Instagram, or Twitter.


Thankfully, Lizzie had some spare clothes at the track, so I dried off and got changed into them. I hadn't worn a skirt trackside yet, however it seemed to be Lizzie's preferred item to jeans.

I sighed putting it on and glancing at the navy material in the mirror, wishing immediately that I hadn't done so. My legs and hips were heavier than hers and so I'd have to be careful not to move suddenly, or take big strides- not that I was able to move more than an inch in this fabric anyway.

My hair went up in a top knot and I attempted to remove the rest of the black stains on my face, the liquid soap wasn't exactly doing much in my favour  so I turned to the paper towels and began scrubbing. It left my under eyes a little red but it was better than the Panda look, however fashionable and trend setting Monaco was, I had a feeling that make up half way down your face wouldn't catch on. I tugged at the top and adjusted it so it cut across what collarbones I had.

"Are you done in there yet?" I recognised her tone of voice instantly. Impatiens.

"Yeah. Well, am I looking passable or?" I opened the door to reveal Lizzie standing with one hand on her hip and what looked to be a large Mojito in the other.

"I don't know why you don't wear a skirt more often. You look fine." She walked a little circle around me. "Sam doesn't know what he's missing."

"Okay," I paused. "A- I hate these ghastly things, I feel so self-conscious in them. Especially when you do that, it really doesn't help. B- Jonsey and I are definite friends now, and nothing else. I'm sure it'll become apparent sooner rather than later. And C- where is my bloody drink?" I laughed, finally taking in a large gulp of air.

"I figured someone else would like to get you one." She grabbed my arm and led me out of the space. I continued until I stopped dead in my tracks.

"I forgot my stuff." I said, returning to grab my mobile and my sopping clothes, which a member of the track staff had kindly given me a bag for.


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