Chapter three:

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   Mia walked into the house feeling exhausted and slightly frustrated. Most of her plans to stay lowkey had failed. To add up, she had to cross paths with the guy whose ego she had mercilessly insulted over one of her trips to Miami. Only to find out he is a ring leader of the MOST notorious group in all the high schools found in the province of Kirkwood and he goes to the same school as she does. That made her sigh. Very deeply. Because she could almost see how doomed she was though Cathy promised to protect her. God knew how she would do that but she already felt frightened of tomorrow and the days to come. They didn't sound very merry with Nathan Monroe existing in the same space and time as she did.

From the front door she could feel somebody's presence in the living room. She cheerfully and quickly headed there being aware that it was her mom.

"Mom...hi." she greeted her when she came into sight.
"Hello." She answered hardly looking upto her.
"You are knitting again." She pointed out trying to make a conversation between them.
"Yes. I needed some refreshment." She said calmly as she went on still not looking at her.
" What time did you leave today morning?"
"I left very early. You were still asleep. I had some office matters to attend to."
"Ofcourse. It's always the office first. " she murmered to herself.
"No. Nothing. And last night? What time did you get back? Your car was parked right infront of the door. You must have been a wreck to have parked like that. " she let out a small laugh. But it was fake. She was just trying to lower the tension that was building between them.

"Actually I was in my full senses when i parked last night. I came across a bunch of stupid school boys that messed with me and ruined my entire journey back home. I got back here at midnight. Can you beleive that? And i had an early meeting today morning. They got me so frustrated. " she knitted furiously like those boys were the cloth and the spindle was hurting them.

Mia nodded. Well,she was glad that they were having this awkward conversation. It was better than nothing at all.

"How was day one?" Her mother asked.
I thought that question would never come.
She sat on the sofa opposite her and watched her knit as she begun to replay all the events at school. Not everything was worth telling so she decided to filter out the details.
"It was...great. It was actually just fine. More better than I had imagined it to be." She completely lied.
"Very good. So you're looking  forward to tomorrow?"
"Yes." She pressed her lips her together into a thin smile.

With Nathan Monroe!! Yaay!!

"I am glad you are being positive towards high school. I was starting to think you would never go."

"What were you gonna do about it?"

"Call doctor Brown ofcourse. She'd know what to do." She chuckled. Mia's face fell. Her heart ached at her response. She either indirectly referred to her as mental or she was just hyping. If she only knew. But ofcourse she wouldn't since she was always so busy with her office. With her mood off she stood up and carried her school bag with her.

"I'll be in my room. Don't disturb me." She walked away leaving her mother wondering about what she could have done wrong.

Once inside she sat on her desk and opened her sketchbook. Apart from being sad and remorseful Mia was also very excellent at drawing. Calling her good would be more than an understatement. She looked at her latest drawing of Ta.D's toenail. So far so good. It was doing alright just some few sketches and shades here and there and her masterpiece would be complete and ready for display. She had an Instagram page where she posted most of her art stuff for people to comment and like and it has been a great success. Many people liked them and kept asking her if she was gonna take her talent more seriously and use it to earn some money but ofcourse she didn't. She just drew for fun. Making money out her drawings has never gotten interest of her. Maybe because the sound of lots of money disgusted her and made her feel pain in her chest. Deep pain. She opened further and begun to adore her art-gone-wrong drawing of the fountain found at the Roberts' estate. It was the profile picture in Ta.D's Instagram account and the picture with the most likes in all of his account. The fountain in the middle of their grounds was gorgeous,a masterpiece by the most expensive outdoor designer in all of Asia, Mr. Xhao Li. Mia loved it so much that she made it her phone's wallpaper.
   Speaking of Ta.D, her male idol and favourite celebrity after Ed Sheeran she logged into her account and checked if he had posted anything new that day for her desperate fan girls to see. To her utter disappointment there wasn't any piece of artistic writing like always since he could write. Instead there was a solo, sad and short ' early goodnight' to all his Ta.Dlings accompanied with a picture of the evening  sky from the Roberts' estate. It was just the usual sky that everybody was fond of but Ta.D just had the special touch for making everything in his realms beautiful and rare. So as usual a thousand likes came falling his way like it was his face he had exposed which his fan girls were always begging and crying for him to show but the best of his body part he could show was his toenail. His pinkie toenail. Which Mia was now drawing.

Hopefully,more will be revealed in due time. Mia thought to herself.

She then put her phone away and opened her pc so she could do some productive work. Being two months behind she had alot to catch upto and she couldn't be more greatful when Cathy introduced her to all the brainy people taking the same subjects as her so they could offer her some assistance. It kind of bugged her at first thought but when she saw the amount of e-mails she had received on assignments and notes and references she couldn't be more greatful than that. Deep down she was glad the heavens had given her this blonde angel with invisible wings. It was almost unbelievable that nice people like her actually still existed on earth. She immediately replied to the e-mails appreciating their sweetness and kindness and their nice offers to assist her whenever she felt stuck. far so good.

She breathed out while looking at the picture of her dad on her desk..
"Well dad,you made sure this happened to me,didn't you?" She smiled at his face. "Is this your way of apologizing for not being there for me?" Still no answer. Just his sweet smile flashing back at her. She took the picture and hugged it close to her chest. "It's okay you old man. I don't mind. But she is insanely nice it's almost hard to believe it,dad." She laughed to herself when she realised that it was actually evolving into a one sided conversation where she assumed his answers and she replied to herself. But that didn't stop her. "And remember that guy I ran into when we went to Miami with mom the other time? Can you believe that he actually goes to that school and he is major bad boy. I am so dead. He didn't immediately  remember me but he had hints. I could see the anger in his eyes when he asked if we had met before. Geez,like looking at the devil in the eyes." She flipped a hair backwards. "But I won't let him intimidate me. He should realize that the world does not revolve around him and it's natural to get rejected." She shrugged with a goofy smile on. It was her usual thing to shrug like an idiot to show it didn't matter that much.

She had come into realization that Life was much more easier if there were less things at heart and when few reliable things mattered. Lesser chances of ending up with a bruised heart.


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