Chapter eight.

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     Picture up top is Emily Rudd as Miami the green eyes bambi.


     Days keep pushing forth and it feels like forever in this timeline.
    More nights turn into days,the cold winters into summer but I feel stuck.
   This turn of events I have to call my life  is tearing me apart. With each beat of my heart I want to believe I am a step away from the atrocity I have been through.
    But the web I have crawled into is more than what I can comprehend with this immortal mind.
  If being formed in a certain form came as a wish,I would not think twice trading with the birds of the sky or a butterfly. Atleast they have the liberty to go where they want,do what they want and live how they like.
   I am more than they are but unfortunate that I have not such luck. So it remains just a desire... just a mere wish....

"What are cell phones for if you don't answer your calls??" Clementine inquired as soon as her son picked up. Taylor tried to ignore her for half a second so that he could finish what he was writing but failed. "I called you five times straight. Why weren't you answering my calls?" The more she talked the more upset she sounded.

Taylor played with the pen between his middle and pointing finger and leaned back on his desk chair.

"I was writing and did not want to interrupt the flow."

She took a while before speaking again. "Have you gone to H&M's?"

"Yes." Much to both their surprise.
"Wow. I didn't expect you to go without some earful."
"Me neither. "
"Okay. That's all. I'm at the mall and I just ran into Mrs. Munroe and her daughter. Stellar has gotten prettier than ever,her blonde hair is so well styled ....."

Usually,he would hang up before she could go on but he let her have her fun at telling how hotter his ex-girlfriend has become. She knew they had broken up but she still brought her up anyway.

"That's nice to know. " was his final calm answer after her endless trail of words.

"I'll see you in the evening. You will be there right?"
His father was going to be back from his business venture and it is on those days that he chose not to eat at the table with all of them.
"Yeah. I will be there." He answered steadily.

"Okay. You are more calmer than usual today. " Taylor could sense the smile on her lips just from the way she spoke. "Alright then I'll see you then?"

"Yeah sure mom."

.....a wish to wake up one day and be who I want to be,go where I want to go and live how I please. This is the price of the crown I wear. A crown too heavy for me to bear.
   A slave to material well being and the press. Living to others expectations not my own.
    Just a figure without a purpose it possesses.
    But what if I toss this crown?


    Mia sat back on the desk in Michelle's room and smiled at her finished masterpiece. It was a rough sketch of a black rose whose half was drying out but the petals had refused to start falling just yet. For each picture she drew she had a story for it. This rose was fighting for survival. The outer petals had dried out but staid on so they could protect the inner petals that were still fresh and lively from being exposed and dying. So they hang on and hoped that someone or maybe their owner would see their struggle to survive and shower them with some love and care.

She took some colouring pencils from her back pack and begun to put some colour on it when her phone rang. She walked to the nightstand and read the caller's ID. Much to her surprise it was her mother. One of those rare times she has an attack of conscience and decides to actually call her and not just ask about her from somebody else.

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