Chapter four:

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    "Yes Elias, I agree with you. It was a stupid move. I promise to be more responsible." Drake responded in a dull tone over the phone.

"I hope you mean it. Because dad won't be..."  his elder brother scolded him but Drake cut in before he could continue.
"Yes,Yes,Yes dad would be very disappointed with my childish behaviour. Look Elias we've been through this already. Can you just stop repeating it?"
"Yeah i know. Which is why I am wondering why you are doing the same thing again! I mean what fun is there in being rebellious? Just causing unnecessary attention. Why not live a normal life like some other teens are?"

"I am not a normal teenager bro. I hope you remember that. I have two identities,I can not walk alone in the open without five or more bodyguards on my watch,I have...."
"Okay...okay... I get you." He paused for a while and Drake could tell it was a silence of frustration. He was frustrated too. Who could blame him? He was being bullied by the most insane boys in all of Kirkwood and nobody would ever realize that because they made him one of them. So everything violent he did seemed like out of self will! And he couldn't report about it or say a word. If he still wanted his normal life in check.

"You know what brother,you are going to be a grown man soon. Big responsibilities are coming your way. I am not gonna make this petty speech with you again about misbehaving at school because I believe you are clever enough to make wise decisions. Just please don't do anything stupid."

"I am not promising. But I swear I'll try to stay clean." His brother gave a small grunt and hanged up. If staying clean was his own personal decision like it had before,they wouldn't be having this awkward nerve wrecking conversation with his brother who was miles away from him. But since things were as they were, he had to man up and deal with it until when Nathan Monroe has had his fill.

He looked at the text Nathan or Nate as many called him and almost threw his phone to the wall.

I have another game to play with you. It's called 'fail the test.'

Drake pulse raced when he read the message over and over and over again. Maybe he was just getting the wrong interpretations about the message so he decided to call him. After several buzzing his voice came into audibility.

"Hey uuhm Nathan...."
"You got my message?"
"Exactly what I wanted to ask you about. What do you mean by fail the test?"
"Fail the calculus test you dumb ass. What did you think I meant?" He could hear laughter from the background which meant he was with the other boys and he was on loudspeaker.

"Dude,that test counts to my final scores. I can't mess that up."
"Well,sorry. You have no choice."
Drake sighed inwardly refusing to air out his frustration and give Nathan the satisfaction that he had gotten to him.
"You can't think of something else?"
"Ooow,right. I have something in-store.  I could just tell the whole school about your issues,right? That will end everything. Don't you think guys?" He laughed out and the other boys laughed along. Drake fumed but vented his anger out on the cushion in his room.


He hang up quickly before he could say something that would make him regret for eternity.

"Aaarggh!!" He threw his phone on the wall. Eventually.

He sat down on his bed and profusely combed his hair with his fingers. He must be going insane. This idiot was asking him to purposely fail himself on a test he has been working his ass out on. He had worked so hard on the algebra and the complicated differentiation and now he was asking him to purposely fail the test. Just so that he can look bad and notorious infront of everybody including the staff that thought highly of him considering his past performance from the previous school he went to and his active class participation until lately when these stupid boys had been requiring the impossible out of him.

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