Chapter six:

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   That day class seemed not to make much sense. Mia's thoughts kept shifting from Ta.D to the lightning she thought she saw in Drake's eyes. From time to time she stole glances towards his direction and couldn't get enough of him. He sat back on his chair,his legs stretched under his desk, his gaze fixed on the stout man in front of the class,Mr. Simpson. He paid attention to every word he said and even took notes. She noticed his every movement and how he furrowed his brows when the teacher said something complex then he would write it down probably so that he would revise it later. But then again,Ta.D's poem crossed her mind and she was tempted to take a sneek peek at it again.

It was posted about thirty minutes ago and had over 300likes so far. Leave it to the Ta.Dlings to leave you gaping. She discretely as possible made an attemp to drop down her comment. She looked up and down like three times and confirmed that she surely was out of the teacher's sight and notice.

Beautiful piece of art Ta.D. I hope you get over whatever is bothering u. Though far,but we're all here for u.

She took a moment to smile proudly at her heartfelt comment when she suddenly felt strange. Like the class had suddenly become silent and all attention was on her. Her first instinct was to look at Drake and surely his gaze was on her. He looked amused. She looked around and realised that the rest of the class was looking at her similarly amused.

"You seem to be quiet enjoying yourself texting whoever it is whom you are texting." Mr. Simpson inquired mockery in his voice. He didn't look quiet happy though. Mia tried to look at anywhere but Mr. Simpson's gaze. He looked like he was about to blow. "Boys,girls...this is your life here!" He banged the board. "I have my life already,this is your life I am building and I demand that you take me seriously!" Mia closed her eyes shortly. She had just caused this or all this had more to it.

"That test is still up next week. Anybody below the required score will be held responsible. " he said shoving his notes in angrily that some fell off in random. He angrily picked them up and shoved them back into his file. He begun walking out of the class no actually stomping off when he suddenly stopped. "You," he pointed at Mia. "Detention!" He literally yelled. "Plus you Michael boy!" He pointed at Drake and finally walked out making sure he banged the door behind him.


The class was silent for a moment as everybody tried to digest the whole scene then finally somebody let out a loud laugh.

"Don't y'all think that Mr. Simpson overreacted a little bit?" Mia looked at the direction of the source of the voice. It came from a girl whose hair was in auburn and in a bob. She sat at the very back of the class where Mia was also. Mia ended up there because she had enrolled late. The rest were there because they were a bunch of trouble makers and did not enjoy class. So she was stuck with them.

"Yeah." Another back bencher answered. For a moment she was glad the attention had left her. "But look on the bright side! Thanks to missy there..." he pointed at her. Mia's face went crimson. "We have a free lesson to do whatever we want!" The class cheered. Mia hid her face in her palms. This was insane.

"Hey." Somebody nudged her. She looked up and saw that it was the girl with the bob hair.
"Hi." She looked down at her half scribbled notes from the class since she spent some good time gawking at Drake and fantasizing about Ta.D.
"My name's Eve. What's the name of the heroine of the day?" Mia looked up at her and saw a friendly smile in place. There was no mockery or mean attitude. Just sweetness. Mia tried to convince herself that she was harmless. Plus,she needed to make her own friends and stop depending on Cathy alot. She would leave the next year and who would she lean on?

"Mia." She answered shortly then corrected herself when she realised how rude that sounded. "My name is Mia."
"Nice. You are new,right?" Mia nodded. "You can come eat with me at my table during lunch." She offered. Mia blinked at her like she had grown a second head.

"Yeah you." She teasingly pushed her. "Unless you already have company,You can come around some other time. I don't mind. " she shrugged.
Mia took her moment analyzing matters and when she was done over thinking the whole thing she nodded again with a smile.

"I'm in." She smiled.
"Good! Scott! We've a guest." She called out to one of the back benchers. The boy that had called her missy. He smiled at her brightly and winked. Mia held back her bewilderment at his action trying not to look prude.
"See you then. " Eve smiled and walked back to her supposedly friends. Scott and other two girls.

Drake smiled at himself when he saw the comment section to his post. So many girls threw down their concerns about him on the comments. Their flattering words more than often brightened his mood. He took his time to reply to each one and even mentioned their names. That made them very happy and feel special. That is how he had earned his fame in Instagram and a pack of loyal fan girls. He gave them his time. They did not know his face but loved him all the same. He still couldn't put his mind around the thought but accepted the graces that came with it. The bell rang signalling the end of one class and the beginning of another. He got up,packed the few books he had used during class and carried his back pack. A message from his mother popped up on his screen as he was walking out of class.

Make sure you pass by H&M's after school.

He frowned at the screen thinking of something mean to reply but his train of thoughts were interrupted when he ran into someone.

"Ooofff." Mia knocked hard on his bicep. Her books,phone and everything in her hands fell on the floor. Running into people like this had to stop! She mentally slapped herself when she looked at who she had run into and saw those captivating grey eyes. He looked sorry and concerned about her.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." She said bending down avoiding his face. She had to look at anywhere but his face or she would start staring at him again.
Drake bent down at almost the same instant she had. Just like in the movies. But their hands did not touch. Each collected something different from the floor avoiding the other in some weird way but he could tell she was nervous and was hurrying to run away from there and then. He collected her phone last and noticed what had her distracted that she knocked him.

"Thank you." She said nervously as she retrieved her properties from his hands. He was wearing a blue t-shirt with white stripes that snug his arms properly giving him a sexy look, dark jeans and black boots accomplished his look. His wavy brown hair was slightly messy, his lips pink and.... gosh she blinked furiously when she realised that she had zoned off again.

"Here." He handed her her phone. She took it from his hands making sure their skin did not touch. There this thing they said about heat and electric shock when you touch hands with hot innocent looking bad boys and she wasn't ready to feel any of that heat or whatsover. It was too early for any of that bullshit.

"Thanks again." She smiled shyly.
"Be careful not to knock into anyone again." He told her with a small laugh. She felt so embarrassed. And just like that she watched him walk away to the opposite direction from where she was to head.


I am currently facing an intense writer's block. It is a big hustle and struggle but I'm fighting hard to overcome it and keep writing😁😁😁.  I'll see u next week with more chapter updates.

Love lots.

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