Chapter seven;

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Jackline Peterson sat back in her driver's seat,absorbing the scenery before her. It's apparently been 20 years since all that had happened took place but the images were still very fresh in her mind. She got out of her car and walked upto the restaurant where her lifetime best friend Marcy used to work in her prime days. She would drop by several times,hang around and help her take orders just for fun and for that she got to meet the love of her life.

She opened the once familiar doors and walked in to the restaurant that was usually full from 6pm. It was 3pm then and there weren't many people. Just some few school kids and other older people who probably worked the night shift usually came to take out orders from here. She walked straight to the table no.10 and sat on one of the chairs there. It wasn't just any table like all the others in the room but the same one she served 20 years ago when she first landed her eyes on Finn. It might not be the same exact one but it was the same corner. She couldn't forget.

"Good evening. " a girl probably in her ealry twenties greeted her. "Would you like to order?"
She looked up and gave the young girl a sweet smile. She wore almost the same uniform that Marcy used to wear. Only that the yellow of the tshirt was much brighter and the cap not ocean blue but navy blue. The good old memories flooded her mind in a swift moment and tears warned to fall.

"Are you okay?" The girl's tone was full of concern and worry.
"I am fine dear. Seeing you dressed in this uniform just rang in some warm memories into mind."
The girl smiled sweetly at her. "You used to work here?"
"Kind of. My friend used to work here and I used to hang around here alot." She chuckled. "Time sure flies." The girl nodded. "Just get me a bottle of crystal water." Water here was free. So she added. "And caramel coffee."

Freeloading the place with water was something she more than often did back in her days. Some habits just don't wear off.

The girl with a sweet smile came back with her order on her tray.
"Here you go ma'am. " She put it on the table before her and walked back to her station.

Jackie looked down at the caramel coffee taking it in hand and let the memories sink in slowly. She took a sip and almost spit it back. It wasn't as good as the one she would make. Not blowing her own horn or something but she made some pretty good damn coffee that the owner of the restaurant back in those days hired her just because she made some good coffee that people seemed not to get enough of. She used to help Marcy make just so they could be around each other but soon the customers liked it and kept asking for it. The manager became concerned and wanted to know the brain behind the wonderful coffee that made his restaurant so famous and full of customers from time to time. And just like that,she earned a job. And thanks to that good fortune,she got to meet Finn.

It was around August when two men dressed in jogging suits and headbands walked into the restaurant from a morning workout obviously seeing how sweaty they were. They almost had the same height,like they were brothers but one of them with the jade eyes was more better looking than the latter.
It was Marcy's table but she didn't feel like attending to it so Jackie got pushed to it.

"Good morning." She greeted both guys trying hard not to gawk at the guy with jade-green eyes. His jawline was well defined and his hair fell on his forehead and stuck to it because of all the sweat but he hardly bothered with it. He paid more attention to some fashion magazine than making his order.

"Would you like to order?" She asked sweetly.

"Yeah. Can we have two cups of the special caramel coffee that everyone is fussing about and...." he stopped to consult his friend. "Finn are you gonna take bacon or toast breads?"
It took him a whole minute to look up from the magazine and look at them both. At her first then at his friend. "Huh?"
"Toast or bacon?"
"Toast?" He took a quick glance at her and then went back to his magazine.

Confessions of Miami Hooliward. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora