Chapter five:

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  Mia's heart raced when she saw Nathan eye her as she walked past him. He was leaning against the lockers with his curly blonde hair making him look  more remarkable than he already was, his hands in his pockets looking so cool and hot like a Calvin Klein model but not good enough for her because his manners sucked. He had the arrogant look on his face and piercing raven black eyes that blended well with his golden hair. Talk about when the gods bless you with the looks.

She walked faster when she neared where he was but that did not stop him from chasing after her.

What a great day,huh? She thought to herself as she took a sharp corner heading to the girls' washroom when he called out.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Veronica! Because I will surely follow you inside." Great. All the students started looking for who he was talking to. And what the hell? Did he call her Veronica or was he talking to somebody else? Probably not her so she sped on.

Nathan felt his blood boil even more as he chased after the girl he had not been able to get over for a really long time. She denied knowing him but he could tell it was her. He had not been able to forget her face ever since he saw her around months ago. She appeared in his dreams,wandered around in his thoughts and made him feel small that he had lost to a girl and now that he had seen her,he was not going to let her go again until he had it his way.

Just when he was about to give up chasing after her she saw her slow her pace as she walked towards Catherine. A senior like him. Must be her mentor. A smile creeped his face. Even better.

"Cathy save me. That manace is coming after me." She quickly told her as she pretended to be fumbling with a locker she did not own. Cathy looked ahead and saw Nathan come towards them.

"Okay. I'll deal with him." She reassured her. Mia suddenly felt safe and calm.

"Hey Cath." He smiled at her raising his palm for a high five which she ignored but smiled at him back nevertheless.
"Hello Nathan. What's up?" She put an arm around his shoulder.
"Nothing babe." He put his arm around her waist but his gaze was fixed on Mia's back. He wanted her to turn around so he could see her face and confirm his suspicions. "Just passing by...." he trailed off. ".... hey,are you having trouble opening your locker?" He said aiming it at Mia who did not dare turn around.

"No no. I am okay. I think...i uuhmm...forgot my keys." She let out a nervous laugh still not turning around.
"Nathan!" Cathy cut in taking his gaze off her forcibly. "So...i was wondering..." he tried looking past her but she kept taming his eyes. "Stop looking at her. Look at me." She pouted.
"Eer? Yeah,sure. What were you saying?"
"Want to hang out? At the bar downtown? On Saturday?" She wiggled her brows at him.

"Is your friend coming?" He motioned at Mia who was standing locked in position feeling retarded as fuck.

Why was earth so cruel sometimes?

"No. I don't think so. But it doesn't matter,does it? I am the one who is asking you out." Her hands were around his neck and his arms on his hips but his full attention was not on the sexy looking blonde before him offering something worth the run for but on the timid motionless girl standing before a locker she probably did not own.

"I won't come unless she does." He said it loud enough for her to hear.
"Ppfff. What's with you and her?" She asked annoyed.
"I don't know." He finally looked at her and put a strand of hair behind her ear. Catherine walked out of his touch. "Your friend over there reminds me of a girl called Veronica." He said walking towards her. They had successfully managed to start attracting a little audience and Mia did not like a single bit of it.
"Well,she is sure as hell not Veronica. Her name is Mia." Mia shut her eyes. Way to go Cathy! You just gave the devil my name.

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