⚠️Chapter 4 ⚠️

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I grabbed me a towel and sat down on the couch and got on instagram I got on live people instantly started to get on and ask me questions about the tour.

"How is it touring with billie ?"

"Are you having fun ?"

"Are you single ?"

"Marry me y/n 🥺🧡"

"Umm touring with bil is fun. " and confusing "Yea I'm having fun I love touring around with fun people" I swivel around in the chair "Yes I'm single and Yes I'll marry you." I chuckle opening a piece of gum

"Nuh uh she marrying me " I hear billie chuckle coming up behind me putting her hand on the back of my neck gripping tightly a little I wiggled my head back and forth and was laughing

"Sorry they asked me first." I laugh while biting my lip her grip became more painful and I tried shrugging her off but it didn't work "Well y'all I gotta go Love y'all bye !" I blew a kiss and ended the live next thing I know I was being yanked out and pushed on the ground. Billie squatted infront of me pushing my hair out of my face.

"Be my girlfriend ."


She raised her eyebrows and put her hand on my thigh trailing her hand up more I closed my eyes until I felt a sharp pain on my upper thigh she was digging her nails in me I tried to pull her off but she overpowered me.

"Now be my girlfriend and I'll let go . "


"You better answer or I'll go harder ."


"Okay "

She dug deeper I felt my skin break and then blood trickling down the pain was so unbearable.

"Okay Okay ." I yelp

"Okay what ?"

"I'll be your girlfriend. "

She let go and smashed her lips against mine gripping my head so I wouldn't move she forced her tongue in my mouth l managed to get my hand free and slapped her.

"You really like to make daddy mad huh. "

She gripped my neck and started to choke me I scratched at her hand kicking to let loose.

"Say you're sorry. Fucking say I'm sorry daddy. " she said through gritted teeth

"I-I-I'm sor-ry d-d-d-daddy."

She let go and I gasped for air she kissed my forehead and walked over to the couch. I rolled into a ball and started crying.

"Sssshhh baby just don't make me mad and we'll be fine."


I was in billies arms in a hotel room staring at what she calls "love marks" what a sick minded person she had to be to think this was an expression of "love" just thinking of it gave me chills.

I get up and make my way to the door so I can go to my room.

"Where are you going ? You can't go yet baby I'll miss you so much. " She cooed as if I was one of her fans she puts on a show for them but if they knew the real billie would they love her still ? Would they ignore the monster their beloved billie is ? All these questions in my head had me distracted that I didn't notice I was back in her bed I wish I wasn't I wish I could fly away but apart of me wants the sense of feeling controlled and wanting to be wanted by any means so if it meant me being in billies grasp then so be it I was just gonna be a toy to her anyway right ?


Sometime after it became a daily thing a scratch here a scratch there bruise on my legs and soon I wasn't even a person to her anymore whenever brandon was at a gig it'd be the same thing I'd have to join she claims she loves me but I feel like this is just to satisfy her needs "why are you staying ?" you ask its cause I'M A DUMBASS even if I want to end things I'd still see her everyday because we tour together so I really can't escape her my only happiness is when I'm away from her its when I'm with my fans on that stage wishing it was me in that crowd so that when the show is done I could just go home , but I can't this is home for the next two months.

I was on the phone with y/bfn and we were talking about this girl we saw at a cafe we saw a week before I left she was buzz cut tattoos and eyebrow piercing not my type but she was hot. Y/bfn was telling me how the mystery girl asked for my number and instagram she must not have known I'm famous so I know she's interested for the right reasons only I scrolled through her instagram and she's a painter her pieces are so beautiful I cant stop looking at them and at her also. I must've been caught up in my thoughts of the girl that I didn't hear billie.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING BRO ? HUH YOU GONNA CHEAT ON ME WITH THIS UGLY BITCH?" Billie had corned me into a wall throwing my phone on the ground

"I-I-I-I'm so sorry b-b-b-b-billie it wasn't like that."

"Yea you're gonna be sorry when I'm done with you."

She picked me up and flung me on the bed and started to rip my clothes off this was her way of "claiming" me at these moments I just blank out I just wanna be free from her I don't want this.

"God I love y/n I love you so fucking much." she grunted

When she finally climaxed I sat up

"What about Q ?"

"What about him ?"

"Don't you love him ?"

"Yes of course. "

I got up and gathered my clothes

"Then you should be with him not here hurting me for your sick game.' I said and put my clothes on she looked in shock that I said that to her well oops.

I walked into my hotel room feeling some sort of relief sticking up for myself from billie it serves her right.





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