Chapter 22

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Tomorrow was the day me and billie get married she said we should spend the night apart and she went to go party with her friends. I was just putting charlotte to sleep and my doorbell rang. I walked over to the door opening it only to be tackled down by a group of people I looked at the people on my porch realizing it was my family my mom was crying in my chest and I saw Jill, Ash and Zee I was so happy I cried realizing billie actually listened to me.

"Where's my grand baby ?"


"This house is beautiful"

Thank you

"What does your dress look like ?"

Not showing till wedding day

"Why didn't tell us you got pregnant and were getting married"

Bitch I'm still trying to figure out how the hell Im still alive with billies crazy ass

"You look so beautiful y/n"

Sure if you think bags under my eyes are beautiful thanks

"What are the colors of the wedding"

"Honestly it's green black and white"

I held everything together as if nothing was wrong. I'm going on fucking tour and I'm pregnant. I've been so stressed getting everything together that I almost forgot to make sure to tell the caterers to have atleast 280 refried burritos cause if I don't billie will probably have a fit

I called the food place and made sure they knew to come at 8 in the morning so that we can have everything set up. Jill and ash came in my room with sad looks on their faces

"What's wrong babes"

"Billie is cheating it's all over the internet she's with some kool aid mother fucker"

Ash was pissed I on the other hand didn't care I couldn't say no to billie even if I wanted to honestly I didn't care only thing I wanted to do was stay alive

"Well I can't do anything about it honestly no one knows that we're together publicly only people who knows is you guys and family"

"But y/n you can't always make excuses for billie she's just manipulative and abusive" Jill states

I hugged them both reassuring them I know what I'm doing and I can handle myself. I looked at them with a confident smile and told them I was tired and needed sleep for tomorrow


I woke up to noise downstairs I put on my robe as I saw everyone setting up the back yard with decorations and the caterers setting up the food in the kitchen. Maggie noticed I was awake and smiled at me

"Good morning y/n"

"Morning mom"

"You ready ?"

"As I'll ever be"

"Did billie say what she was wearing ?"

"Nope she's probably gonna wear her usual clothes hopefully she'll dress up and not embarrass me anymore at our wedding"

Maggie let out a sigh and looked around nodding in approval

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