Chapter 27

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I woke up fluttering my eyes to florescent lights blinding me. I looked around at my surroundings seeing maggie's concerned face and zoe bawling her eyes out. I tried sitting up but failed I grunted as maggie rushed over to me and zoe ran out to get a doctor

"What happened ?"

"Well billie said you had walked in the house and just fell at the front door"

"You're daughter is a good liar"

"What do you mean ?"

"I walked in and heard a noise and turns out it was billie and brandon fucking in the bed I freaked out and then I felt dizzy then I woke up here"

"Ugh typical billie"

"Where is she anyways"

"She went to go pick up charlotte from daycare"


Zoe walked in smiling and rushed over to hug me. The doctor followed in after with a nurse

"Hello Ms.O'connell you had a nasty fall there nothing bad though you only have a bump on your head and your babies are perfectly fine they're healthy"

"Thank you doctor so when can I leave ?"

"Let me just sign some papers and you're good to go"

I nodded my head and they walked out and right on time billie walked in with charlotte

"Mommy !"

Charlotte reached out for me and billie passed her to me. I held charlotte as she put her head on my stomach


She pointed to my stomach I explained to her the best way you can explain to a one year old that they are going to be a big sister. She took it well actually and was excited that she has someone to play with

"Babies mommy is having two a boy and girl"

Her little eyes sparkled and she placed her head on my stomach patting it gently. She doesn't sleep in her room anymore because she wants to sleep with the babies so she sleeps next to me all time which I don't mind. I rubbed charlottes back as she fell asleep I looked up at billie as she smiled at us she reached over to my stomach but zoe swatted it away. I looked up at a agitated zoe who was staring daggers into billie when I looked over to billie she had the same look at zoe

"You think you can come in here act like you're a big happy family when in reality you're a hoe you cheated on y/n with brandon countless of times why she's still with you I don't know. And don't get me started at the fact you act like everyone should let you screw then over every time. You never once asked how you're babies were doing you didn't even say happy birthday to charlotte but you wanted to have a baby"

"Bro who the fuck do you think you are this is MY wife and kids. Thanks for taking care of them but you can back off now because you're just jealous that you can't have what I have"

"Jealous ? Jealous ? Really ?"

"Yes Jealous"

"Billie I have nothing to be jealous about because you're just a psycho who has issues she refuses to handle not only that you killed Jess because she wanted y/n and you couldn't stand the fact that y/n could love someone instead of you"

This some tea

"Oh and what about olivia you want me to tell everyone what really happened to her "

"Shut up Zoe"

"Billie got someone to and I quote "deal with it" You killed olivia because she wouldn't love you back"

Billie lunged at zoe tackling her to the ground zoe rolled them over so she was on top and started sending blows to billies face and billie pushed her off gripping her hair sending a kick to her stomach and soon being pulled off by finneas and patrick holding zoe

"Fuck you Zoe you're dead you're fucking dead"

Maggie got up motioning to the two men holding the screaming women to take them out the room. When they all left I cried softly due to what happened I felt a little hand wiping my tears I looked down at my beautiful charlotte

"Mommy cry ?"

I sniffled wiping my tears nodding my head no as she laid her head back on my stomach. Billie walked in with maggie and finneas they sat down and maggie kissed my forehead. She sat down next to patrick putting her head on his shoulder

"Billie it's either me or him I won't make exceptions you have a daughter and twins on the way either you shape up and we can act like the family we're supposed to be or you can still hoe around with brandon and I'll let everyone know who you really are"

She looked shocked at what I was saying to her and was going to say something but maggie stopped her

"And we'll go to the police about the murders if you don't stop. Billie you have a beautiful wife and kids why would you keep messing around with someone's emotions like that ?"

Billie looked down at her rings and nodded her head

"Ok I'm sorry I'll stop everything with brandon ok ? Y/n please I'll change"

"We'll see"


"Mommy I want cookies"

"Ok tell momma to get you some"

Charlotte nodded her head running into the kitchen telling billie about the cookies. Billie has been better we still argue but privately Milli and Mason are turning one today. We're celebrating at her parents house so the paparazzi won't follow us on their day

"Baby you ready to go ?"

"Yea let me finish packing the diaper bags just get them in the car"

Billie smiled and kissed my forehead and picked up the twins walking out with charlotte following behind. I finished packing up everything and walked out the door and turned around to lock the door. I felt a presence behind me and thought it was billie

"Ok bi-"

"Hey y/n"

Luv u on some cliffhanger shit 🤡💚😤

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