Krona (Marvel OC)

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(Yes. I used LEGO Marvel 2. Deal with it!)

Name: (none)

Hero name: Krona

Age: (none)

Gender: Female (apparently)

Species: Some sort of Humanoid/Robot hybrid

Likes: Relaxing, building something, having parties, flying, and general fun things of humanity

Dislikes: Anyone evil

Personality: Intelligent, kind, fun loving and cheery

Powers: Fire a special type of energy from her hands, can fly, super strong and extremely durable

Main Marvel Crush: (open)

MCU Crush: (open)

Backstory: On a colonized planet, two humans worked hard on a project for the planet's first defender.

The inventor and the entrepreneur were both trying to make a robot with human intelligence and emotions.

Unfortunately, they had no luck and began to argue with each other.

During one of their arguments, metal arms suddenly grabbed both of them and dragged them into the nearest machine.

That was the last of when they were seen.

But a month later, a woman made of some flesh/metal hybrid skin appeared.

The people on the colony were afraid of her and sent her away for their own safety.

She later arrived on Earth, where she met an astronomer who gave her the name Krona.

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