Chapter Three

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Maya's POV:

I folded my arms and sat down at my desk, glaring daggers at the cage in the corner which contained my new Pet. So far I've only given her water the past 4 days I've kept her locked in there. She refused to eat what was given so I just gave her nothing to eat. I was hoping she'd eventually start going mad with starvation and beg me to let her. But so far, no begging and her sanity seemed to be intact.

"Training Pets was supposed to be easy" I mumbled out loud. She snickered. I picked up the remote for her new collar and pressed a button for level 4. They were working on level 5 or higher for better punishments. I smiled seeing her wither in pain for a bit. I looked up plenty of articles on how to begin training but so far the only things I've gotten was a bunch of lists on good punishments and such beyond the collars.

Ugh. Whoever said training pets is easy should get punched in the face

"Still trying to figure something out?"

I glanced up, smirking once i saw Krystal enter the room. She sat down on the couch and gave the cage a kick to make Pet look at her.

"You should tread carefully pet girl, you're easily replaceable. Almost too easily. You wouldn't be starving if you were a good little pet and didn't complain about not having good food. Why waste cooking for just a pet?" She snapped. Pet spat something vile, then got a collar shock in return. I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

"Maybe I should get a trainer. This is impossible. She just won't listen! Everyone says they break so easily. She's not very Broken I don't think" I said, opening my laptop back up. Searching up Pet Trainer on the official search engine gave me tons of results. Krystal came around to see what I was looking at.

We decided on a woman called Mrs Clark. According to her website all her customers are left happy and her payment is "generous". I filled out the forms and made sure to pay extra for priority, which meant a company would look at my stuff before everyone else's.

2 days later, some tall woman with wavy blonde hair and narrow brown eyes showed up at my office. She was nearly my height, at least 5'9 or 5'10. She brushed right past me and went straight to Kayla's cage. She took the girl out of her cage and forced her to make eye contact with her. Then threw her onto the floor.

"You need a harsher punishment. Something that will make her regret everything she's done. I suggest a whip or two, maybe some sexual punishments if you ever decide to go that far with her. But for now shock collars aren't gonna be enough" She advised me. I smirked. Why didn't I think of that?

For a couple hours Mrs Clark gave me tons of tips and tricks for stubborn and disobedient pets. Kayla didn't look very happy hearing most of these things but I didn't pay any attention. Once Mrs Clark left with promises to return tomorrow I stood up and grabbed her collar, dragging her all the way down to the basement. Father had kept Mom down here until she'd grown used to her new place in life and even punished her a couple times down here. I paused, wondering what I should exactly do to her. I ended up tying her between two wooden posts. Stripping off her dress, I grabbed a whip and gently ran it across her back. Her response made me laugh.

I decided it wasn't truly fun enough for me, so I added a blindfold and a gag to shut her up and make sure she'll never see it coming. Kayla was starting to shake with fear. I definitely enjoyed this.

"You're scared aren't you" I whispered. Her body went rigid as I trailed the whip down her stomach, stopping right above her core. I never touched her and had no idea if anyone else had. I made a mental note to try some things out eventually.

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