Chapter Forty Five

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Summer's POV:

For 3 hours we were allowed out of our rooms to go to some other room filled with books and other stuff. There were three rooms, one for girls and one for boys and one for specifically pregnant girls. Due to me being in some experiment I was put in with the pregnant ones. There were three and they all ignored me, choosing to stay around the food table and whisper quietly to each other. I choked back a sob and turned away so they couldn't see me cry.

I'm supposed to give him a kid. Maya please come get me soon.

"Hey are you alright? How far along are you? Yeah emotions are a bitch" Someone said from in front of me. I glanced up through my tears and a girl with blonde hair and amber eyes smiled back down at me. I scanned her entire body and she looked at least 8 months along already. She noticed me checking her out and smiled.

"I...I'm not pregnant.." I replied, looking back at the floor. She sighed and sat next to me.

"It's pretty difficult. Since you're in here I'm guessing you tested positive or you're also in the experiment. What's your name? I'm Amanda" She said. I stopped dead in realization. She's in the experiment too?

"Uh. I'm Summer. What's the experiment? I'm in it too." I answered quickly. She shrugged and my heart plummeted.

"I don't know I was unconscious for most of it. My baby must be huge though, I'm only 4 months in but according to the doctors I'm doing pretty well. It's normal?" She explained.

"I'm terrified to have to sleep partner. I..I don't like guys." I muttered. Her eyes filled with pity and she gave me a side hug, all she could do with her belly in the way.

"It's okay. Once you're pregnant and the experiment starts he has to pamper the shit out of you. Ugh I think my partner, David, is so fed up with having to feed and baby me all the time because god forbid I touch a plate I'll lose the baby like.." I zoned out, not listening to anything else she had to say. I have to get pregnant.

"Summer? Summer sweetheart." I snapped out of my daze and looked up, straight into the eyes of Maya's Step Mother. The three other girls had retreated to the far corner of the room and Amanda was gone. I quickly turned my gaze to the floor.

"Uh. Yes Mistress?" I replied softly. She was still wearing a coat, damp with water. It was raining outside. Did she just come back?

"Come. We're going to just run some tests. Once we're done you'll be back in your room in time for lunch" She promised, holding a hand out to me. I gulped and hesitantly took it. To my surprise she didn't instantly let go when I was standing and instead began leading me out of the room. I was uncomfortable and almost pleaded for her to take my leash instead. Pets don't hold their Owners' hand.

We came to a room that looked like a doctor's office. I sat on the little bed and three doctors swarmed me. They pricked me with needles for blood testing, took my temperature, checked my teeth, and a bunch of other stuff. Then I was left alone with just Maya's Step Mother. The guards she was with waited outside. I fiddled with the bottom of my dress.

"What's your name? Mistress." I asked. She turned to face me and I flinched when her hand reached out to pat the side of my face. Weird.

"Your past owners must of been fans of slapping you. Selena. My name is Selena" She answered, leaning against the counter and flashing me a smile. I grew hot with uncomfortableness. I wasn't used to being looked at by anyone for this long.

The Doctors returned and one showed a bunch of stuff to Selena while the other two came over to me and began strapping me down. I grew scared and began to struggle, tears pricking my eyes. I heard muffled voices then Oscar appeared in my blurry field of vision. He gripped my hand to comfort me but his face didn't change from the normal bored expression he always had. I took a few deep breaths and forced myself to calm down.

"Out. We're starting" One of the doctors told someone I couldn't see. Selena pulled Oscar away from my side and over to her so the doctors could take his space. I shifted uncomfortably.

"Put her under. Let's make this quick our lunch break is in 20" Someone muttered. I felt the prick of a needle and then everything faded to black.

(Time Skip)

Maya's POV:

42. I whipped her 42 times as hard as possible and yet barely any reaction. She merely gave me a weak smile and waited patiently for the next one. It pissed me off that she wasn't crying like the usual ones did. I gave up and threw the whip down, cutting the ropes and letting her down.

"Clean up your blood" I spat. She looked at the floor and then back at me. Then marched upstairs. Are you kidding me.

I followed her upstairs and watched her disappear into Father's office. A couple minutes later he emerged and his displeased eyes were on me in seconds.

"Maya. I just got her and you had to ruin her? I got her literally a couple hours ago" He said, rubbing his head. Misty smirked from behind him. I forced down the urge to punch her.

"She broke a bunch of rules and you didn't say we couldn't" I snapped back. He stepped closer and gave me a leveled glare.

"Maya. I know you're upset about losing your pet but that doesn't mean you can take your anger out on mine. Get it together you're not a child anymore" He hissed. That made me angry. I'm not acting like a fucking child.

"Don't touch my pet anymore. Off limits. To you and to your Mother." He snapped, before turning around and inspecting Misty at arms length. "Cmon I have some cream for those..". His voice faded out as he herded her back into his office and shut the door. I stomped to my room and slammed the door.

"He's treating her just like Mother. Why? What's so special about one pet, what could possibly be so great about her?" I yelled at nobody in particular. I flopped onto the bed, fresh tears stung my eyes.

Is Misty gonna win Father's heart just like Mother did? Is he planning on having another kid?

Is he gonna replace me?

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