Chapter Thirty Eight

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Sorry y'all. A birthday happened yesterday and I was busy all day and too fucking tired to even open my eyes. Double update today.
———————————————————————————Maya's POV:

I sighed and leaned back in my chair in my office, closing my eyes. I had another business trip in 2 hours and three different people to meet. Father sent me a bunch of work to do on the plane and beforehand and so far it was all stressing me the fuck out.

I left Summer sitting on the couch, looking out the window. She could tell I was busy and made it her goal to stay quiet. A couple times I caught her watching me, but our eyes never met and she'd look everywhere else but me. Work was annoying me. I was overwhelmed.

"Mistress?" I heard Summer call. I glanced up, snapping out of my daze. Step Mother was standing there impatiently tapping her red flats on the floor. I leaned forward.

"Yes? What is it. My flight leaves in 2 hours" I said, rubbing my forehead. I was too stressed to deal with her right now. She was the last person I wanted to see.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. Any Potential suitors?" She asked. I had to refrain myself from leaping at her. Of course she wants to talk about that shit.

"Not at the moment. I'll keep you updated" I said through gritted teeth. She smirked and moved to sit on the couch. She paused when Summer awkwardly looked at her.



"Your pet is on the couch" She said with a hint of disgust. I took a deep breath then released it slowly, standing up. I glanced at the clock and began packing up my papers and laptop.

"I gave her permission to sit on furniture unless I tell her otherwise. If it bothers you so much she can sit on the floor" I said. Summer got up immediately and knelt on the floor, keeping her eyes down.

"Tsk. Don't know why. Pets belong on the floor, they ruin the furniture" She snapped. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. What do you want. My flight remember?" I snapped. Her smile dropped and her eyes flashed with anger before returning to normal.

"I just wanted to say goodbye to my daughter before her flight. Have a fun time in California" She snapped back. I grit my teeth again at the word daughter and simply pointed to the door. She left. I stood up and put my files together along with my laptop bag.

"Let's go. We've got to pack" I said. Summer leapt to her feet and followed me out of the room.

(Time Skip)

Kayla's POV:

It felt so good to sink my teeth into his hand. I bit so hard I tasted blood. His scream sent a wave of pleasure through me. It felt great to hurt an Owner.

He had screamed and the guards rushed in, armed with a remote and police batons. They tried shocking me off of him first but I gritted my teeth against the pain and bit even harder. Blood dripped from the wound onto the floor. One grabbed my collar and yanked me back, making his skin rip and my teeth painfully clash together. They forced me back and shocked me again.

And Again.

And Again.

I laid on the floor and took it, giggling halfway through. The adrenaline wasn't allowing me to feel the full extent of what my body was going through. The man left and the guards did as well, informing me I was on quarantine. 24 hours of no contact and no food and water. I didn't mind.

Shadow was quiet, watching me. She didn't talk to me and I didn't talk to her. It was absolutely silent.

About 3 hours in I finally began to feel to toll of it. My sides ached from where they kicked me and my neck hurt from the collar being yanked. I crawled weakly to my bed and curled up, pulling the blankets over myself. Shadow disappeared and I closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

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