Chapter Twenty Five

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Maya's POV:

"So tell me about yourself" Michael said, twirling his fork on his plate. I myself ordered Mac and Cheese, made with 5 different types of cheese. The simplest thing I could find. He got a steak, and requested a bunch of things for it like another knife, a sauce, etc. I sighed at his question.

"I'm 21. 5'6. Manage 5 parts of my father's company out of the 11. I don't really like much. Most of my time is spent working from home. My father doesn't have space in his office building for me and he couldn't just kick someone out. Oh and fooling around with my pet" I said with a smirk, getting a forkful of macaroni and taking a bite. The food here was great, despite being named for having Seafood they had lots of other things too, that they mixed seafood in or have it topped with.

"Oh hahaha. I know that one. When that little vixen gets bored she'll come and try to get me to do something by pushing things off my desk or dancing. Sitting on my lap is her favorite." He said, gesturing to Lilac. Her and Kayla looked to be in deep conversation and neither one seemed to notice we were even looking.

"So what about you?" I asked. He chuckled and put his fork down, wiping his mouth.

"Well. I'm 28. Almost 29 in a month. Got my own successful modeling company. A top model pet. My own building, with a penthouse. My parents work as Techs, so they're barely around and if they are? 90% of the time they're working." He said. I noticed he frowned slightly when mentioning his parents.

"My father works a lot too. I find it real funny that you like me though. Lots of people like me. Because of the money, the power you'd receive from being someone I favor. How do I know you aren't just trying to charm your way into my family so you can get rich and powerful?" I said with as much menace as I could muster. His perfect face didn't flinch. Instead he cleared his throat.

"I don't like you for money. I like you for you. You're tough. Even after the last two years people were giving you hell for being a female heir. I like your way of thinking. I like, you." He said softly, reaching up and running a hand down my cheek. I giggled at that and gave him a smile.

Maybe this idiot isn't so bad after all.

(Time Skip)

Kayla's POV:

"They've been talking for hours" Lilac complained, glaring at our Owners 30 feet away. I halfheartedly agreed, hoping Maya didn't hear that. The date seemed to be going well. Lilac just wanted to go home and Shadow was agreeing.

"Bad news. They like each other." She said. I frowned.

"Hey Lilac. How do you know so much about working pets?" I asked, hoping to change the subject. She sighed.

"I used to be one. Before I came to Master Moore. It was awful. Carrying full plates of food out to the customers and later fighting over who got to lick it clean. The owners decided they didn't want their restaurant anymore and sold most of their pets and had the building torn down. They kept me and two other girls because we looked pretty. One year later I'm thrown away because I'm no longer the brand new fuck toy they wanted." She explained. I felt my heart drop.

"That's..sad. I'm sorry. Where did you go? After they threw you out" I asked. She shivered, then rubbed her arms with her hands.

"I got picked up by Police. They checked my information and found I was thrown away and took me to this place. It was a huge warehouse. I was locked in a cell. Some lady came by the check me over and she told me if I wasn't sold by Sunday I'd be put down. I think it was Monday. Some of the other girls helped me and gave me advice. There was an auction everyday at 12pm. On Friday I made a mistake and stumbled, messing up the line of other girls.

"Messed up? How?" I asked. She smiled and drank some more water.

"We were all chained in a line by our ankles so we couldn't run off. I stumbled and ended up pulling that chain. All the girls fell and messed up their clothing and stuff." My eyes widened.

She must of been in real trouble. And that close to being murdered.

"Anyways. I was removed and beaten for who knows how long. Those awful people said they enjoyed having a new toy and said I should fuck up more often. On Saturday morning though, I woke up and found I got bought along with another girl. By my Master. He wanted a new prized modeling pet after his last one grew too old and began to lose her looks. I didn't want to be sent back there so I just did everything that was asked of me. Everything. And now I'm here" She explained. Shadow raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to the other girl?" She said. I repeated her question.

" sent back. He didn't want her. That was long ago. She either got sold or...she's gone for good." She mumbled the last part. I gulped.

"I'm sorry" I said quietly. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around I saw it was Michael. He removed his hand and gave me a smirk. Maya was telling Lilac to move. We both hesitantly got up and tried handing our leashes to our respective owners but Michael snatched mine and Maya took Lilac's. We were both very confused and it made me uncomfortable that Maya wasn't holding it.

"What are they doing?" Lilac whispered as we followed them out the door. We approached a large black limo and the driver held the door open for Maya and Michael to climb in first. Me and Lilac sat by the driver, not daring to speak. They were talking about some beach and then work stuff.

"Mistress?.." I said without thinking. I practically flinched when Maya broke off her conversation to look at me.

"What?" She demanded. I gulped. The limo started and we began to leave the lot.

"W..what..about your car..?" I asked. Maya opened her mouth to answer but Michael beat her to it.

"I'll call and have it returned to your house" He told her. She smiled and nodded, sharing a small kiss before he pulled his phone out. Then her attention shifted to Lilac.

"Did you and my pet get along this time?" She asked with a smirk. Lilac glanced at me then nodded.


The Director got off the phone and then leaned over to whisper something to Maya. She laughed.

"Of course. A couple hours won't hurt" She said in response. Me and Lilac shared another glance.

Don't tell me we're going home with them

"Off to the penthouse!" He said. The driver put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Looks like she enjoyed the date a bit too much" Shadow mumbled. I sighed.


(Time Skip)

We arrived back at the modeling building and went straight for the elevator. He pressed the button for the highest floor then began to chat with Maya about something. I looked curiously out of the glass window and immediately regretted it when I saw how high we were. Jumping back I reached for the first person I was closest to and buried my face in their side. Maya pried me away from the Director and gave me a frown. I looked down.

"I'm sorry I got scared" I whispered. Her response was an eye roll. The elevator dinged then the doors slid open, revealing a grand staircase leading up to a set of double doors. Lilac and I stepped out and a maid immediately made a grab for her dress. She quickly unzipped the back and dropped it to the floor before stripping off the shoes. The girl took it and ran off somewhere before returning with a plain white dress. Lilac slipped it on.

"Woah. They change you?" I asked in awe. I found it cool how smooth that interaction was. She shrugged.

"Master has a strict dress code for me for inside the house. The maids are in charge of dressing me. Don't worry the floors are carpet and you won't need heels" She explained. I kicked off my heels and looked at Maya for instructions. She was too busy fawning over the Director to notice.

"Come along girls. We're going to play a game" She said, finally pulling away. My heart sank to my feet, but I helplessly followed the two love birds up the stairs.

I hope I don't have to be naked for this game.

Bound and Broken: Maya's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now