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(1 year later)
Maya's POV:

I walked through the cemetery gates, holding the map a little closer to locate the Redd family plot. Good I'm close

I kept walking until I arrived at the large fence gate. The fence itself was concealed with privacy bushes and flowers. A few people left gifts like always. I just gestured for the guard next to me to throw them away. I unlocked the gate with my phone and walked inside.

The plot itself was big. 90 people could be buried here if our family got suddenly genocided or something. It was split into two sides, Pets and Owners. I found myself drifting to the Pets side first. The first grave was Kayla's. I pushed my hands into my pockets and just stared at her headstone.

"Miss?" I turned slightly, forgetting I had to be followed everywhere by guards now that I was the CEO. I sighed and bit my lip.

"Leave." They immediately left, closing the gate behind them. I knew they'd check the area around the plot then wait for me at the entrance gates. I went back to staring at her grave.

"Shame you had to die. It's rare someone has a pet as long as I had you. You were special." I said out loud. The wind replied, blowing the standard white flowers that were in the middle of the grave. They gave red ones to pregnant pets. And Black ones to the ones who took the easy way out. We didn't get many of those.

I shifted my gaze over to the second grave. Leona's. As soon as I got Summer back I had her retired. She had a chance of getting resold, but her price had been too high. So her grave was here, buried among my pets. Her headstone read:

Property of Maya Redd

They were all the same. Their real name and who owned them until their death. I stayed a little longer, then walked over to the third grave. My Mother's. Unlike the other two hers was covered in purple roses. Father's doing. She always liked purple flowers. I sat in the grass patch next to the grave.

"Mom guess what? I'm the CEO now. It's a pretty wild story. Step Mother was illegally breeding underaged girls and boys and I busted her for it the first time. So she drugged me, stole my pet, and made her go through an experiment that shortened pregnancy. It was interesting, but by the time I got to her she had given birth to a baby. I told the guards to get it to an orphanage. If anyone asked who the parents were the answer would be don't know. He didn't look much like her thank god." I said. Again all that answered was the wind. I pretended it was Mom.

"He'd be at least a year plus some months old by now. A family adopted him and named him Fredrick. He'll grow up an owner." I continued.

"And what happened to Summer?"

"I planned to have her retired. She changed so much because of the baby and the kidnapping. But at the last minute I pulled her out and resold her to a shop. She's been there three times already. Fourth time's the charm. Her new owners will probably find some use for her."

I sat in silence for a while.  I couldn't think of anything else to say. I stood up finally, zipping my coat up and wiping the dirt off my pants. I walked right past the owner section and exited the gate, locking it. Surprisingly enough I ran into Krystal.

"What are you stalking me now too? That's illegal" I teased. She giggled alongside me.

"No I heard you were here moping around again. I visited my family's plot. Gave Alyssa a couple more white flowers. I'm getting a new one shipped" She said. I snorted.

"What did she die from? Retirement?" I asked. She sighed.

"Retirement. She was becoming too much of a hassle. If I kept her longer I'd go crazy" She replied. We giggled together.

"Yeah she was a handful" I agreed. We fell into silence. I began walking to the entrance and she followed me.

"So what are you gonna do now?" She asked. I paused, staring at my best friend.

"What do you mean?" I asked, tilting my head. She snorted.

"You're 31 Maya. New pet? Multiple? Babies?" She pressed. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know yet Krystal. I guess I'll figure it out on the way." I replied. We fell thankfully back into silence and we finally reached the entrance gate. My guards immediately swarmed me, asking Krystal what her business was. She looked at me. I turned away and walked off to my car. I climbed into the passenger seat and one guard got in the front seat. The rest piled in the back and rested their weapons on their laps, scanning the area constantly. I snorted as we pulled out of the parking lot. Krystal was gone and I saw her car screech out to the main road through the other side.

"Damn were you guys this cautious with my Father?" I asked.

"Yes Miss Redd" They all said in unison. I sighed, leaning back in my chair after thinking.

"Take me to a shop. Maybe I do need a new one" I ordered. The guard obeyed and we were on our way.

Bound and Broken: Maya's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now