Chapter Fourteen

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Kayla's POV:

Krystal did give me Maya's plate. Doe got her own. Her step mother didn't like it one bit but since Maya owned me she couldn't argue. Doe was given her own room and I was taken to Maya's room. I didn't know if she told her if I was or wasn't allowed on the bed so I just sat on the floor. Krystal sighed.

"Stupid bitch actually did it.." I heard her mumble. I was surprised.

"Is...Mistress going to be angry..? Will she..hurt me?" I asked. To my horror Krystal simply shrugged.

"You're her little plaything so she might rough you up a bit to take her anger away. Most would be happy that she even gave you any attention. Others stay locked in their rooms waiting for their owners to decide they need them for something." She said. I gulped.

Not good attention. She's going to take her anger out on me..

We waited for a bit longer. Fear shot through me as soon as I heard the elevator ding. I dreaded her arrival. Krystal stood up and forced me up too just as Maya walked in. She was carrying the silver collar her Mother usually wore and her car keys. She threw the keys onto the table and beckoned me over to her. Krystal let my leash go and I slowly made my way over. Once I was like a foot in front of her she decided I wasn't being fast enough and grabbed my collar, yanking me forward. I flinched as her hand went straight to my hair, playing with a couple strands.

"How did it go?" Krystal said, finally speaking up. Maya snorted.

"Father had her retired immediately. By the time I got there it was done and they gave me her dress and her collar. She's gone" She said, staring directly into her eyes with a stone faced look. Krystal looked uncomfortable. Maya seemed to be like a ticking time bomb. And I'm terrified that I'm going to be the one to make her explode.

"I'm sorry Mistress" I said without thinking. She chuckled and snatched my leash. I instantly regretted speaking.

"For what pet?" She said, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"For your...Mom..Mistress. I'm sorry." I repeated slowly, taking a step back. She patted my head.

"I'm too angry. I don't want to accidentally kill you. But I'm also in a fairly good mood. So I won't hurt you for speaking without permission. Don't do it again." She warned. She turned away to get something from a drawer. As soon as I saw the knife my blood ran cold.

No knives. No! She's going to cut me to death!

Throwing away all rational thinking I tried to run. Krystal blocked me at the door and slammed it closed, locking it. My heart plummeted and I freaked out.

"Please! Please don't let her hurt me I'm good I swear I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I begged her as I tried to get to the door. She simply pushed me back.

"You're hers not mine. She's free to do whatever she wants to you sweetheart" She said coldly. I was shaking from fear. Maya reeled in my leash and I struggled, pulling against her as hard as I could. She was ridiculously strong and gave a huge yank, sending me flying into her. I scrambled to get away immediately then froze as she put the knife to my neck.

"You're so cute when you're scared. It wouldn't be so bad Kayla. You'd be free in the afterlife. Just one slice and it would all be over. But I own you. You die when I want you to. You eat when I say so, You sleep when I want you to. I. Own. You. Don't forget that. Or should I carve my name into your Side then force you to be naked so everyone will see that you belong to me" She said, pressing the knife to my neck a little harder.

"P...please. I'm..I'm sorry..I won't do it again I'm sorry I—" I went quiet again as she pressed it in harder. I felt it cut the skin a little and a spot of blood drip off.

"You won't I know pet. But it's fun seeing you so scared of me. I think I have a new game for you." She purred. Thankfully she pulled the knife away and I could finally breathe.

What game does she want to play...

"Dress off and get on the bed" She ordered. I obeyed quickly, sliding off the dress and the underwear and climbing onto the bed. She ordered me to lie on my back then got a weird device with cuffs.

"Spreader bar. It's for the game" She said as she secured the cuffs around my feet. She picked it up and pressed a little button, causing it to extend further and spread my legs wide. Krystal cuffed my wrists to the top of the bed too and I was left defenseless. Maya climbed onto the bed with me and my heart dropped as the knife was pressed to my neck once more.

"We're gonna play the silence game. For every sound you make that's a cut you get anywhere on your body. You can squirm around all you want but no sound. If you win you can sleep on the bed. If you lose I punish you and you sleep downstairs. How does salt water and whipping sound? Fun right?" She explained. I gulped.

" Mistress.." I replied softly. She smirked and began by kissing me, then moving down. She moved the knife for a bit to kiss down my neck but it was back once she got to my shoulder. I bit my lip hard and turned my head away, closing my eyes and trying to focus on something else.

"So cute. I got lucky with you. Come on..scream for me" She whispered. Confused, I opened my eyes just as she decided to bite my neck. I strained against the chains but bit my lip as hard as I could to keep from crying out. She bit me some more places, sucking on the skin until it became red. Giving up on there she moved her hand down to my core and not so gently shoving in a finger.

I was scared of losing and kept a firm grip on my bottom lip. She continued to assault me and I could tell she was growing bored. Krystal giggled.

"Too easy. Let's spice it up a bit more" She commented. I watched as she went over to Maya's side and whispered something. She stopped, then smiled and got off of me. Both went to the closet and picked up a random toy.

"You're gonna love this part pet." Maya said. I wasn't convinced. Krystal took a spot at the bottom of the bed and Maya sat next to me at the top. She smirked. Then covered my mouth with one hand and pinched my nose with the other. Unable to breathe I struggled, shaking my head to hopefully get her off me.

"Ah ah ah. No noise. Krystal is going to make you feel really good don't worry" She said, kissing my cheeks. I felt Krystal's fingers pumping in and out of me and tried to focus on the pleasure. Black spots were slowly filling my vision and I could feel myself getting a bit weaker. I was on the edge but remembering Maya's rule I didn't dare cum. I squirmed in hopes of her getting the message and thankfully she did.

"That was fast. Go ahead you slut" She said with a giggle. I came, struggling more due to the extreme lack of air. Maya seemed to be satisfied and moved her hands away, allowing me to breathe. I gasped, inhaling and exhaling as rapidly as I could. The burning in my throat disappeared and I didn't feel lightheaded anymore.

They're torturing me!

"Now it's my turn" Maya said with a smirk. My heart sank as they switched and I silently prayed I'd end up dying.

Please, I just want to go home.

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