C h a p t e r T w o

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"Alright, Kuroko. Take me home." Kuroko nods and turns on his car, following the route to his friend's home. He stops as he reaches the destination.

"Call me anytime." Kuroko said before driving off. Midorima walks in and sees a girl with a child in her arms.

"Sir. You're home early. What happened?" Midorima takes his son away from her.

"I quit my job. That means your work here is done." Midorima gives her an envelope. She smiles and says her goodbyes, leaving the home.

"Man, babysitters are so expensive. Hope she did good for you." He said to his son. He heads to the kitchen and places his son on the counter.

"Don't move from there. You'll get hurt and I don't want that." The child just talks small yet understandable gibberish. He's a shy boy. He could talk, but not well. He barely does as well. Midorima walks to the fridge and gets the sandwich he prepared this morning, removing it from the baggie it was in. He gives it to his son, and gets him a glass of milk as well.

"Tank you, Daddy." Midorima ruffles his son's hair.

"You're welcome, s/n."

[ END ]


Oops. This one is shorter. *le sigh*

i'm sorry . please forgive me .

S/n is Son's Name. I'm not good with names,.so you'll name him. Lol.

[Published: December 19th, 2019 - Thursday 10:16PM] 💞 Hope everyone has a great Christmas.and if you get a break for school or work, hope it's all good. I love you, have a good one, and hope your 2020 starts off with an amazing time of happiness.

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