Nightmare x seme male reader

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A/n: kk so I was dead for a long time.. welcome back,

So I got tagged but I decided to not do anything because yes, I'm lazy.

And sucks at typing, have I mentioned.

Sowa if you're reading this imma be so .//-//.

(Also, (M/n) and Nightmare Fred are roommates in college )



   Another day, another dollar. That's what my creator used to say. Tbh I'm smh bc why did I even start off with that saying when it has nothing to do with anything else that happened today-

   "Freddy, you wanna sleep?" Yawns (M/n). I look up.

   "Sure. Got nothing to write anyways. Why am I even keeping a diary."

I close the lamp and crawl into bed, falling into dreamland almost immediately.

*******timeskip to next day morning*****

"Freddy, wake up.."

A soft and gentle voice rings in my ears. I groan, sit up, and rub my temples. Chinese people (aka my grandma) say that it makes your eyes brighter and makes your brain clearer.

"Aww, you look so cute!" (M/n) squeals. I cover my face.

"Shut up. Now."

I crawl out of bed and lazily fail at putting on my pants. I groan.

(M/n) smirks. "We're gonna be late for school~"

I curse loudly and jump into action. I may be arrogant and careless, but I don't want another meeting with the court lawyer. (I don't know if you guys know or not, but if you have 5+ unexcused or unexplained absences you go to the court at my school).

I run out of my room. First period.. Life Science. I groan. I do love science and math, and we're studying animals in life science right now, but boy do I hate the stupid teacher there. She's around 30 or 40, I'm thinking, because of the fact that she has five children. Although she looks 20.

Why do I hate her? She's actually pretty alright when I first met her. But she's just some jumpy, sassy, and bossy middle school girl now that I know her better. Every single day. And, the most annoying thing is that she never calls on me! It's already 3 months into school and she's never called on me once, even if I sit right in front of her and wave my hand up high. Then she gives my an F in participation. Who does that? Her, apparently.

Everyone's waiting at the door. "Never go in without my permission," she had told us on the first day of school. I tsk and just barge in.

"Savage." Someone behind me whispers.

I shrug it off.

People see me barge in and follow. One, two, then almost all of them. Except for one kid who's the nicest one; he waits until my stupid-ass teacher comes and holds open the door for her, before going in himself.

"Alright!! Take your seats!" Linda exclaims. Her voice rings throughout the classroom, bouncing in my ears. She's the only teacher I know who's normal voice is louder than someone on the microphone. "Today we are going to go over the process of cell division, cell differentiation, and embryos!"

She grabs a marker and draws a blob on the board.

"This is a cultured stem cell! Stem cells have full DNA, made by the egg and the sperm. Eggs and sperms both have only 50% DNA."

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