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In Essos somewhere in Volantis"

Dany had woken not realizing what happened or where she was she looked at the scar that  was near her heart she remembered that Jon the man she had loved had killed her but why was she alive she didn't understand more importantly where was she?''

A Red Priestess had approached her Dany had recognized her it was Kinvara the Red Priestess who had supported her when she was in Meereen why was she here "I see your awake and probably confused I imagine do you remember anything?" Dany only remembered being on Drogon at Kings Landing and voice in here head telling her to burn it down but then nothing was pretty much a blur "you can't recall the destruction of Kings Landing?" Dany couldn't remember but she was alive question is how? "your dragon brought you here after well after you know I was able to bring you back with the help of the Lords of the light for the moment you are safe but that's likely to change" Dany was distraught  and didn't know how to react or what to say "he killed me Jon Killed me" Kinvara looked at her "yes he did but your still alive he may have thought you were the threat but that is not the real threat" Dany was confused "what do you mean real threat?" The Priestess looked at her and told her the truth "You said that you heard a voice tell you to burn Kings Landing down that voice is the reason the destruction happened not you the three eyed Raven soon he will reveal himself and all hope will be lost".

Dany still didn't understand what this has to do with her Kinvara explained in more detail "the recent events were all instructed by Jon's brother Braun which mean's Jon was manipulated into killing you because he thought you were a threat he never knew the real threat was his own brother" Dany couldn't believe it but it made sense all this time Braun was playing everyone including her and Jon oh no Jon he's in danger she knew she had to protect him no matter what he did to her or how much he hurt her she had to warn him "Aegon is in danger we need to have him brought here you two need to be protected until you can face him" the Priestess had said Dany was angry at the man but agreed "You two are the last Targaryens of your house Targaryens must be protected" Dany reluctantly agreed Kinvara send word to have him brought to Essos Dany wasn't sure how she would react to see him again.

"Beyond the Wall"

Tormund and Jon were walking with Ghost on their mission to find food the North was suffering and Arya was out exploring into god knows what and Jon wanted to die everyday he thought about Dany and couldn't escape his mind did he do the right thing?" "your more brooding than I am little crow so what's on your mind?" Jon was not in the mood to talk but it was eating him up "I thought I was serving the realm by doing what I did but it didn't feel right afterwards" Tormund started laughing "what could you have possible done that was so horrible?" he finally couldn't take it anymore "I killed the woman I loved more than anything in  the world" "why? did you want to kill her?" Jon sighed and continued "God no I loved her but everyone kept saying it was the right thing to do to protect the people" Tormund didn't agree with that "for who for them or yourself" Jon was confused he didn't get what he was saying "they said she was a threat to my family and my safety" Tormund continued "Exactly you did what they wanted what about what you wanted?" Jon sighed "I wanted to be with her take care of her grow old with her I wanted to Marry her and have children with her" Tormund"that's my point sounds like they didn't care for the Queen you were the only one who showed her love and kindness didn't matter your name or who you are" Jon started to realize Tormund was right he had been manipulated by Tyrion to kill her so that Braun and Sansa could rule doesn't change that he still loves Dany and will never love another. Tormund had to get back to the Freefolks Jon would Join him later Jon and Ghost were hunting when Ghost start to growl Jon noticed the winds had changed "easy boy what is it?" all of sudden he heard a dragon roar it couldn't be Dragon had landed near him "Dragon what are you doing here?"

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