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"near Meereen"

Dany and Jon had traveled 6 days that felt like weeks Dany was exhausted and tired Jon knew she would collapse if they did not stop "Lets make camp we can continue in the morning you need to preserve your strength" they had pitched a tent close by Jon had given her water and food so she could survive Dany noticed Jon was not himself and he kept looking away at her she didn't blame him although she couldn't remember what happened in Kings Landing she knew it would only be a matter of time before she did remember and than what Jon goes back to hating her she still loved him but didn't know how to trust him with him being so close to her "I'll stand watch so you can get some sleep" she grabbed his hand all of sudden "Jon I know you feel guilt on what you did to me but it wasn't entirely your fault" Jon was angry that she could even say that to him he got upset "How can you say that to me I killed you I betrayed you all because of my family how can say that to me!" 

Dany looked at him stood up towards him her anger how she felt about him returned yet she still loved him she didn't quite understand it but she needed him near him if only she could remember what she did in Kings Landing maybe she could understand why he did what he did to her she looked at him intensely "I should hate you for putting a knife in my heart I shouldn't even forgive let alone trust you but the thing is I can't because I still love for some odd reason I still believe there's good in you even if you don't!" Jon looked at her intensely both their blood boiled for minute he thought it was going to explode he wanted her back he wanted to kiss her in that moment but he needed to gain her trust and loyalty again he would find a way he touched her face "I swear to god Dany I will find a way to make this right again" he pulled away made sure the fire was working again Dany agreed to get some sleep she said goodnight and went in her tent she had fallen in a deep sleep

Jon had watched over her damn him he still loved her and didn't understand how Braun his own brother would want them both dead no matter he vowed he would protect her on her life he would not abandon her again suddenly he heard a scream from Dany's tent she had woken up from a nightmare Jon held her tightly "what happened same nightmare?" Dany shook her head "this was about Kings Landing Jon please I need to know what happened in Kings Landing" he didn't want to tell her the devastation of it he looked at her intensely "are you sure you want to know?" he knew her memory would return but she insisted she needed to know he told her that her dragon burned down the keep Innocence of Women and children were burnt down to the ground Dany started to break down "what have I done? what did I do" Jon held her as she cried "If Kinvara is right then this was entirely not your fault it was Braun's" she knew that still those deaths she was still responsible she had to make it right for herself for Jon and everyone else. "I'll make it right I promise"

"Meanwhile near Essos"

the soldiers from Westeros arrived Kinvara had greeted "welcome to the Red Temple" the soldiers did not have time for this "where is the Targaryen girl and traitor Jon Snow" "I'm sorry I don't know what your talking about the Queen is dead and the traitor I have no idea where he is" the soldiers were getting impatient "we serve the King we demand to know where they are" Kinvara was getting upset "if I were I would be careful The lords of light don't like it when their being threatened" the soldiers were unimpressed "were not afraid of your lord" Kinvara smirked "are you sure about that" a light of fire went up scaring the soldiers to death Kinvara smiled with glee "go back to your false King and tell him the Lords of the Light know what he did to the Prince and Princess that was promised and we'll do what is necessary to protect our own" the soldiers departed abruptly Kinvara thought to herself "of course they don't know is that there is another Prince or Princess on its way".

Dany and Jon had woke up the following day and had arrived in Meereen it was still the same yet peaceful Dany couldn't reveal herself not yet she hoped Daario would recognize her they were standing outside the gates and told their soldiers to escort them to their leader they had entered Meereen castle when a man had greeted them here "okay what is the meaning of this?" Dany "you once swore allegiance to the Queen in Meereen" Daario answered sadly "yes we did but she is dead" Dany removed her scarf Daario was in shock "My Queen your alive how?" "thanks to the read priestess Kinvara I am alive but I am not safe I will need your protection if you'll allow me to rule and help the people" "we'll do anything you command my Queen" Daario suddenly noticed Jon Snow "who is this?" Dany started to feel uncomfortable "This is Jon Snow my protector" Daario acted weird around him "she's returned no need for you stay" Dany was not impressed "he stays understood" Daario "your grace a word?" she nodded reassured Jon she would be fine.

Dany entered her chambers it had not changed since she had been gone Daario still loved her but her heart belong to another even though he betrayed her by killing her "your grace he is a traitor we heard rumors that he put a knife in your heart" she knew this was coming "it's not entirely his fault he was manipulated into doing it" Daario was destained "I do not trust him how can you?!" Dany was frustrated "Because I love him despite what he did you question my authority again you'll be advising someone else no harm comes to him understood!" he nodded and left he trusted her but that didn't mean he trusted him he gather the second Sons and was planning to disposing of Jon Snow.

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