The Red Temple

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"IN Voltanis in Essos"

Dany had woken up to another nightmare she had been having every since Kinvara had told her about Braun being the real threat all this time he had played her his family even Jon snow, Jon that was a name that lingered through her thoughts she was angry and felt betrayed by this man yet she still loved him no matter what he did but how could she ever trust him again yet she knew it was not entirely his fault if Tyrion hadn't manipulated him she and him would have had a happy life maybe.

"your worried about him aren't you?" Kinvara spoken the red priestess was helping her get back to full strength after coming back from the dead Dany didn't understand why she felt this way about him but it was different she should hate him and be full of rage yet she wasn't and did not understand maybe being dead made her realize that Kinvara had approached her "you still love him don't you despite what he did to you?" Dany started to get angry of the thought of him "he betrayed me he killed me how can I ever let that man touch me again let alone trust him?" Kinvara gave her words of wisdom "he is the prince that was promised and you are the princess that was promised you two were chosen for greatness not because of your blood but because of who you are" Dany wasn't sure who she was anymore not after what she did yet she didn't remember it "the Lords of the lights brought you both back for a reason I believe your love will conquer it" Dany wasn't sure about she hoped Drogon had found Jon before Braun did.

"Beyond the Wall"

Jon was staring down at Drogon as he roared he was staring down at him he took a deep breathe he was always afraid of him but respected him "Drogon look if your going to burn me alive than go ahead I have nothing but regret and remorse for what I did I loved her but what I did it wasn't right it will always devastate me okay so please I deserve to die" Drogon came down to his side and let Jon touch him Jon knew Drogon wanted to take him somewhere "ghost come on hop on Jon held onto ghost as drogon took off flying east towards Essos".

it took some time but Drogon had finally landed in Essos Jon and Ghost hoped off "Where am I why did you take me here wait that's the Red Temple come on Ghost Jon entered the Red Temple it was amazing yet felt different Kinvara had greeted Jon "Jon snow please to meet you forgive me my name Kinvara I am the Red priestess here in the Red Temple" Jon had know of the priestess given he had one bring him back to life after he was stabbed and betrayed. "I met your sister Melisandre she was a good woman" Kinvara was great to her "she had served her purpose in the final battle against the dead of course you know that" Jon looked at her wondering why he was here he did not understand it "your probably wondering why your here I brought you here because your danger and you need protection both of you" Jon was confused and didn't understand who could possible wanted to hurt him "what do you mean both?" Daenerys came out of the shadows she looked at Jon and removed her head scarf "she means both of us Jon".

Jon was in shock he didn't know how this was possible but there she stood Daenerys was alive and well he thought he had killed her yet here she was alive and will none of this made sense Jon was confused he couldn't look at her not after what he had done to her he deserved to die he was heartbroken "I shouldn't be here not after what I did" Dany could tell he was in pain rightfully so she approached him and looked at him with sorrow yet there was anger and regret Kinvara "after you killed her and was exiled Drogon brought her to me in Essos I brought her back she doesn't remember burning kings landing down all she remembers is you putting a knife in her heart." Jon was shocked she couldn't remember he didn't understand Kinvara explained about the three eyed raven and their purpose she explained how Dany heard that voice in her head that day that is Braun who was now a threat Jon didn't want to believe it "so all this time Braun played us?" Kinvara explained further "you two were going to break the wheel by the events playing out here it didn't break the wheel it just made it stronger" Jon didn't want to believe his brother was capable of this "than my exile" Dany "he did that because you were a threat eventually he was going to have you murdered your a threat to him as am I" "he was the main threat it was never Daenerys it was the three eyed raven your brother Braun who now rules and serves the realm." Jon couldn't believe it he knew that Dany and him had to work together to bring him down."

Dany was in shock what Kinvara had told them she wondered what their next move was "so what do we now?" Kinvara answer quickly "you'll need to gather allies I wish you had to those allies who followed unfortunately things have changed since you've been gone "the Unsullied the Dothraki?" Kinvara "Grey Worm and his brothers Sailed to Narrth after your death the Dothraki returned to Dos Vale Yara returned to the Iron Island and Sansa is Queen in the North and Arya is somewhere beyond Westeros" Jon "Damn I knew this was bad but never thought" Dany gave him a cold look "what about Meereen could we go there?" Kinvara gave her information "last I checked you were still Queen there Daario Naharis is still in charge there he might lend support" Jon nodded "I guess were going to Meereen" Dany nodded "I cannot travel with Drogon the people will recognize me we'll have to travel by horse" Jon agreed "Dany we need to hurry and fast god knows when Braun will strike" Dany agreed she needed to pack her things Jon would wait for her outside Dany packed her belongings and placed the scarf around her face Kinvara wished them luck they rode off heading toward Meereen Dany was glad Jon was there but wasn't sure she could fully trust him.

"In Kings Landing"

Davos had greeted the king "your grace we have a huge problem the Targaryen Queen is alive she's heading to Meereen with Jon Snow looks like he betrayed us" Sam couldn't believe it "There has to be a reason" Braun spoke angrily "matters not she is a threat and must be eliminated I will have them both killed send the soldiers to Meereen". 

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