A new beginning

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"In Meereen"

Dany and Jon were in her Chambers they were physically exhausted after their long Journey overall they were satisfied  with the ruling in Dragonstone it was hard on both of them they laid in bed next to each other Arya and Yara had looked after Missandei so they could be alone together and needed to get some sleep they were both happy but were worried that Bran would still try to go after their family but right now they were focused on them and their future as much as Dany wanted to stay in Essos it wasn't home to her she couldn't go back to Dragonstone that was where she was born but wasn't her home Kings Landing now laid in ruins now that the King had been exiled to the North she needed to find a home some place where she Jon and Missandei could be a family together. Jon had touched her face "what you thinking about?" Dany smiled "about our future Jon as much as I want to stay here it isn't home for me we need a place where we can raise our daughter as a family some place called "home" Jon agreed they would leave this place question is where would they go.

Arya and Yara was watching and taking care of Missandei they were amazed she had slept through the whole Journey Yara smiled at her "she is her mother's daughter" Arya agreed "just like a little princess" Arya sighed and was hopefully for the future but didn't know what that was exactly Yara and Arya had become friends now but were worried for the King and Queen "so what will you do after this go back to Winterfell?" Arya didn't know but going back home was not an option "And you?" Yara spoke softly "I am loyal to Daenerys but once this is said and done I plan to to return to the Iron Island my people need me" Arya respected that they knew eventually they would all leave this place.

Dany and Jon had awoken up got dressed they were out on the balcony both were in awe of the city Jon had admired her breathlessly "It looks peaceful here" Dany had agreed "I worry what it would be once we leave this place" Jon assured that everything will be okay once they leave question is where would they go "Dany I cannot return to Winterfell even if I wanted to my family is right here with you and Missandei but where would you like to go" Dany understood she though for a long time then she remembered there is a place outside of Bravos "there's a house outside of Bravos it's the house I grew up in when my brother and I had to hide from Roberts assassination attempt" Jon had agreed "Then that's where we go I don't know about the others"  Dany nodded she couldn't expect the others to follow her besides they had their own lives whatever they decided she would support them.

Davos, Yara, Grey Worm, Daario, and Arya had been waiting in the great Hall Missandei was being taken care of by the Red Priestess Kinvara she believed that the lord of the lights had brought her back for a reason and that child was that reason to restore their house it must always be house Targaryen Dany and Jon entered their room they we're aware of Kinvara's prophecy their house may have been destroyed but now they have a new future and a new age to think about Dany held Missandei in her arms her daughter was getting big Yara was laughing "soon she'll be able to walk by herself" Dany agreed she had to make her big announcement "First of I want to thank all of you for supporting me all of you it has been a long journey and this is hard for both of us but ultimately Jon and I have both have decided to leave Meereen for good" all were shocked Yara supported her "where will you go?" Dany had explained to everyone they plan to settle down in Bravos with their Daughter then after that their plans are open Davos supported her "I know I had doubts about you but I'm the first to say I was wrong which is why I'm coming with you" Jon was shocked "Davos what about Winterfell your house?" Davos coninued "My house will stand even when I am not there my place is by my King and Queen's side your graces" Dany agreed "then we accept but as our advisor not our hand" Davos bowed in agreement Yara held her hand and looked at Daenerys "I am loyal to you Daenerys always have been but as for me I must return to the Iron Islands my people need me but if ever you should need you know where I'll be" Dany nodded and hugged Yara "you take care Yara Queen of the Iron Islands" with that she departed Grey Worm walked up to her and Jon "I have always followed took me a while to forgive but my brothers and I will return to the Isle of Naarth Missandei would want us to protect her people" Dany spoke to him in Valerian and gave him leave Jon and Dany looked at  Daario "what will you do?"  Daario looked at the king and Queen "I'm going to leave Essos and travel for a while I want to see the world but you ever need protection you know where I'll be for now I'll be with Yara and her people for a while" Dany agreed.

Davos, Yara, Grey Worm, Daario, and Arya had been waiting in the great Hall Missandei was being taken care of by the Red Priestess Kinvara she believed that the lord of the lights had brought her back for a reason and that child was that reason to...

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Arya looked at both of them after the others had left she had traveled west of Westeros but had found nothing she could always go back home but she felt her adventure was not done yet Gendry would wait for her but she felt it was right to be with her brother and the Queen Jon looked at her not sure what to say "you could always go back home Sansa could use you" Arya disagreed "you mean after she betrayed you and got to be Queen after Tyrion had destroyed both of you whatever the reason Sansa was still responsible my place is by my brother's side and  Queen Daenerys so I'm coming with you" Jon nodded and Dany smiled at Arya "I would understand if you wanted to be with your family" Arya smiled at Daenerys "I've been wrong about a lot things and I was wrong about you maybe if we had treated you differently things would have been different but you Jon and my niece Missandei are my family no-one else" the Red Priestess told them she would return to Voltanis In Essos back to the Red Temple "I have done my part so my quest has been fulfilled should you require assistants in the future you'll find me in Essos" Dany and Jon bowed their heads towards "Thank you for bringing her back you've brought peace to our house" Kinvara "and it shall continue with you two I wish you the best in the future King Aegon and Queen Daenerys" she said as she disappeared in the wind after saying goodbye to their comrades Jon, Arya, Dany, and Missandei got a ship and departed to Bravos what lies ahead no-one ever knows but the adventure was just beginning.

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