Queen of the Iron Islands

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"In White Harbor" 

Yara along with her soldiers and accompanied by Davos were heading towards Essos and towards Meereen they knew their Queen and King were in trouble they had to help them Yara was aboard the ship and was watching she did not trust Davos or anyone she was mad with fury she had followed Daenerys through all of this and she had been betrayed worse Bran had destroyed Jon and Daenerys"

Davos had come aboard with no good news "no news from Sam yet let's hope it comes soon" Yara wasn't sure about that "do you really think Queen Sansa will help Daenerys and Jon when she was the one who betrayed him!" Davos didn't understand her fury he thought she would be happy that Daenerys was alive "listen you have to trust me it's the right thing to do why do you hate the Starks so much?" Yara knew a lot since her brother had fought for the Starks during the Battle of Winterfell but yet it wasn't enough "Did the Starks welcome Daenerys with open arms did they thank her for what she did and sacrifice did they love her no they isolated her the only person who showed her real love was Jon!" Davos now understand what happened to Daenerys she was alone and no one made her feel loved except her advisors and Jon she was lost hurt and betrayed if the Starks had shown her love and compassion none of this would have happened "Yara what's done is done we can't change the past but we can make sure their is a future for them".

Yara knew Daenerys was the only woman who understood what it meant being a Queen is she believed in her so did her brother yet the Starks were unkind and treated her horrible that she will never forgive she will defend Daenerys to the death "I hope they don't try and destroy them again they were meant to be together until his family destroyed that" Davos agreed with the Queen the questions is would they be there too late.

It was a long Journey Yara had turned in for the night Davos and the men stand guard protecting their Queen always came first and they loved her finally they had landed in Essos they had spotted her Dragon near the Red Temple they had to get their answers they had gone in the red Temple the red Priestess had greeted them "Welcome to the Red Temple I am Kinvara" Davos was shocked there were  still sisters that worshiped the lords of the light "Mistress have you've seen a woman and Jon Snow" Kinvara looked at him intensely "Davos Seaworth who serves the King the three eyed Raven who is a threat to us all" Yara didn't understand "why is he a threat I don't understand" Kinvara looked into her eyes "you supported our Queen in Meereen you think by placing the three eyed Raven on throne the wheel has been broken it just made it stronger the Night king, the three eyed Raven, the Wheel was all in connection into one threat" Davos thought about it for a second "Wait a second The Night King was connected to the three eyed Raven because he created it all leading up to oh my god!" Kinvara "yes despite all of that you betrayed the true King and Queen who should be ruling together instead their on the run from assassins from your King" Yara finally understood "so all the events the Night King, Kings Landing, breaking the wheel it was all part of the three eyed Raven's part so he could destroy Daenerys and Jon that's treason!" Kinvara "precisely finally someone who understands and remains loyal to the Queen"

Yara pleaded with the priestess" Please Kinvara if you know where Daenerys we need to find her she's in danger" Kinvara agreed "she's in Meereen fair warning might want to deal with the Kings soldiers that he sent to assassin the king and Queen before you enter Meereen" Kinvara left in a hurry Davos knew their next destination Meereen Yara told some of her soldiers to remain in white harbor in case they didn't make it back in time the others remained in the red Temple and the remainder followed Yara on their horses towards Meereen they had to get their before nightfall they knew one thing they would stop anyone who dare threaten their King and their Queen.

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