Safe Haven

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It had been a few weeks since Bran and the others left Daenerys and Jon had waited in their chambers with a guard outside in case Bran decided to break his word against them Arya stayed there guarding them and Daenerys unborn child that had yet come she wanted to protect her niece or newphew she was excited about this child being born. Jon was siting by Dany's bedside as she slept Arya came in watching him "she's doing as well as expected and there has been no word on assignation attempt" Jon nodded "Where are Yara and the others?" "Yara and Davos are in dining room Grey Worm is in the study with Daario Naharis" Jon nodded "the Unsullied and Dothraki?" Arya "their in the training room don't worry she is safe no harm will come to her or the baby" Jon was worried if Bran was true to his word "Bran better stay away from her he will not have our child" Arya nodded "he will not have you or her either because anyone messes with you two they'll have to deal with me" Arya looked at Dany sleeping with her hand placed on her pregnant belly "lets let her sleep" Jon and Arya exited the room.

"within an hour Daenerys had woken up got dressed and went outside her chambers near the desk she saw Arya was passed out on couch and Jon was asleep in a chair near a table she walked up to him and woke him up "oh Dany your up" she looked around "sounds like you two had a hard night" Jon nodded they had took turns watching over her so she would be safe "we took turns watching over you" Dany nodded "I appreciate it but there's been no word so I think its safe to say that there gone" Arya had woke up "oh your grace sorry" Dany smiled "its alright thanks for protecting me Arya why don't you get some sleep and then Join me and Jon for breakfast in the dinning room" Arya nodded "I would love that thank you your grace" 

A few hours later everyone had Joined in the dining room for breakfast the food looked like a banquet and Daenerys and Jon had entered and sat down at the Table Daenerys had made a speech "we've been here before last time it was because of Cersei and who should be on the Iron Throne well thankfully we don't have to worry about that anymore we've both suffered lost loved ones Friends, Family, Brothers, Sisters, and allies but today is about new beginnings about family and forgiveness I look around here and that's what I see so this toast is to family" they all yelled "to family!" she encouraged them to eat most were eating and laughing Jon and Dany enjoyed this he placed his hand on her belly he couldn't wait to welcome their son or Daughter into the world Yara interrupted "Your grace is it a boy or Girl?" Daario Naharis was confused "what are you talking about?" Yara looked at him confused "She didn't tell you the Queen is with child Jon's child" Daario was in shock but adjusted quickly "your carrying his child!" Daenerys stood from her chair "yes I am this child is good they are the reason I am fighting for" Davos cheered for her and Jon "I say a girl" Arya smiled "that's my answer too" Yara had other ideas "might be both twins it could happen" Grey Worm smiled "whatever it is this child will be full of love by both parents" the breakfast had ended Daario was watching Daenerys she was smiling at Jon she was happy and Jon placed his hand oh Daenerys belly Daario felt a little jealous Daario had walked up toward them "what's so funny" Dany stoped "oh nothing Jon was just feeling the baby kicking baby is part Targaryen part Stark" Jon had business to attend to "I should go check on my sister see you tonight" he kissed her and walked away.

Daario looked at her didn't know what to say but Daenerys knew what he was thinking "Daario speak your mind" he obviously had his opinion of Jon and his sister "you honestly can trust a man who betrayed you!" Dany was getting sick of this she had told him this would be the last time she says this "Jon has already paid for his sins it wasn't easy for me to forgive him but he as proven these last couple of days he can be trusted as has Arya since she protected me all night last night as did he and I am not going to say this again but I am tired of you berating him and Arya they have earned everyone's trust not to mention he is our King!" Daario knew he had pushed her too far "maybe I underestimated both of them the way you talk about him you really love him don't you?" Dany smiled and nodded "he makes me feel safe I can't explain it enough he's my safe haven and I won't apologize for that" Daario finally understand and he had to let her go it was over between them it had been for a long time he wanted to find love like what his King and Queen had "I kind of envy you and him to have a love like that is so rare and powerful and despite how he betrayed or hurt you, you still have the compassion to forgive and love him again you found your way back to each other that really is something" Dany nodded and stood before him "you'll find something like that someday I know it" Daario agreed and exited the Queen was in her chambers when Yara knocked on her door Daenerys wore her night robe around her and Jon put his shirt and pants on they sat at their table "Enter" Yara came in quickly "your graces sorry to interrupt but just got word from the Queen in the North you'll want to read this. "Daenerys took the message and read the message the Queen had sent then she sat it on table Jon looked at her concerned "what is it Daenerys?" she looked at Yara "is this accurate Yara?" she nodded "I am afraid so your grace I wish it wasn't though" Dany ordered her to summon the war council immediately she agreed and departed Jon was worried "what did Sansa want?" Dany looked at him "the people of the North and of Kings Landing heard what your brother tried to do to me and you they no longer have faith in Bran he's been accused of Treason and unfortunately the war summit has called for a meeting and trial" 

Jon couldn't believe it he wasn't surprised but had hoped it would have gone the other way Dany felt the same way "this wasn't what I wanted I don't want to punish your brother I just want peace" Jon looked at her "so what happens now" Daenerys answered seriously "by Westeros laws the war summit will be called when that happens all houses of the North and South will be called to attend they will hear each sides to determine how they should deal with the kIngs fate if this goes to Trial Jon we won't be able to save your brother or anyone who followed him I'm sorry" Jon had expected this and was prepared "so what do we do Dany?" I need to summon the war council and inform the best course of action but more likely what's going to happens is we'll be expected to attend the War summit the council will send a Raven when the Summit will be happened so we have time until then best we can do is strategize on what to do when we come face to face with them" Jon held onto Dany and touched her belly he whispered "I love you now and always we'll do what needs to be done" they both knew this was it this was going to be brutal they needed their allies with them now more than ever.

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