War summit

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"In Kings Landing"

Bran had been staring at the window nothing could prepare him for this he had hoped the people would reason but decided against him it had already started all houses had proclaimed that he was unfit to rule as King and that what he did was treason this was bad everyone believed that he was a monster and not Daenerys and Jon maybe he did wrong by sending assassins after them but what other choice did he have as long as they both live they were a threat to his reign. Tyrion had entered with not good news "your grace" he looked at him disappointed "the houses have called a War Summit" Tyrion nodded and had showed him who will be attending there it listed Greyjoy, Seaworth, Stark, Dorne, Sand, and finally Targaryen along with Meereen Tyrion knew this was bad "being exiled was bad but now they'll be attending" Tyrion nodded "they were invited weather they'll attend only time will tell

Brienne came in it was time Bran knew his fate would be sealed eventually he had hoped his sisters had supported him he still had his faith with him he needed that they had escorted him into the carriage and off they went to DragonPits the place the Summit would take place.

"In DragonPit" 

each member of the house had arrived Queen Sansa was leading the charge along with Sam Tarly Dorne and Sand had arrived shortly after that Gendry King Bran had arrived with Brienne Sansa stared at him discontent she was not happy with him Bran looked around "Where are the others?" Sansa looked away "they'll be here soon" it was in seconds Yara Greyjoy had arrived along with Ser Davos Seaworth they took their place and sat down Arya had arrived with Jon and Daenerys along with Grey Worm and Daario they stared at Bran Sansa quick ran up to her "your grace" she hugged Daenerys "I am sorry for the crimes my brother has committed" she nodded and sat down with Jon beside her place once they did the War summit had begun.

Queen Sansa had begun "Bran you stand here accused of treason, manipulation, and attempted assassination how to you pled your grace" Bran was astound Sansa could say such a thing "I was doing what was right!" Sansa couldn't believe what was being said "which part when you basically told Daenerys to Burn down Kings Landing thanks to your treachery Innocent people were murdered do you deny it?" Bran denied it he insisted she couldn't have known that Jon stood up "Daenerys heard a voice telling her to burn Kings Landing down that voice was you" Sansa continued "Thanks to your treachery you and Tyrion Lannister conspired to overthrow and destroy house Targaryen do you deny it?" Tyrion stood "your grace what my king did was wrong but he would never harm anyone" Arya spoke "what about the attempted assassination attempt on Daenerys and Jon and their unborn child was that harming others you should know you ordered it!" Daenerys shook her head in Anger and disgust "Dorne cannot support a King who plotted to destroy another house" the Sand house had agreed "neither can Sand what you did is unforgivable"

Yara spoke up "I followed Daenerys Targaryen till the very end but you two destroyed her and Jon and it should have never happened House Greyjoy will not follow" Davos agreed and so did Gendry Daenerys stood up she held hand on her pregnant belly "the Iron throne yes destroyed me but if anyone started this mess it was you, you told me to destroy King's Landing and then you and Tyrion had Jon stab me in the heart so our house would fall and then you exiled my King Beyond the wall thankfully he was given a full pardon I can never forgive you all I ask you lords and ladies is show him leniency I do not wish revenge or to start a war I wish only peace and I wish to be left alone so Jon and I can raise this child in peace with no assassins on our backs." 

Sansa had spoken to the Lords and Ladies and finally came to a decision "I want to thank everyone to came but I had to make a decision Daenerys I am grateful you still want to spare my brother after what he did to you and Jon on behalf of House Stark I want to apologize and offer my sincere gratitude for what you did in the north and I also want to apologize to both you and Jon for what Tyrion and my brother Bran did by not only destroying not only your house but each other rest asure it will be dealt with however I cannot overlook this and the council has decided to move this summit to a Trial the people will decide your fate according to Westeros laws this meeting is adjourned" she ended the meeting and walked away.

Sansa guards took Bran away to prison pending his Trial he would stay in Prison until such a time Daenerys looked at him with resent and anger he could feel her wrath against him he didn't blame him Jon and Dany had wished it ended peacefully but it didn't seem right they knew it would be a possibility that Bran would go to Trial but not like this Jon held onto Dany tight he put his hand on her belly "you two okay?" Dany nodded she was tired she was ready to go home Sansa walked up to here "I told the other leaders that your house should be restored"Daenerys couldn't believe it "you want to restore my house but it was destroyed" Sansa nodded in agreement "It was destroyed based on lies and manipulation it's no longer an issue" she handed her a scroll make house Targaryen officially restored Sansa "you can go home now" Dany didn't know what that meant anymore she thanked Sansa but must return to Meereen as she had business to attend to Jon and Arya escorted her out.

Dany, Jon, and the rest of her people including Arya and Daario were sailing South back to Essos from there they would ride towards Meereen it took them at least 5 days for them to reach the palace when they finally arrived they were exhausted including the King and Queen they all decided to get some rest especially the Queen Dany was exhausted she and the baby needed to get some rest as did Jon they went to their chambers and collapsed onto the bed. Arya decided to do some training with Daario and Yara and Davos were in the study reading Grey worm was training his brothers.

Jon had gotten up and gotten dressed when he heard Dany scream in her room he rushed over Dany was double over in pain with her hand on her belly "Jon get the maester now the baby's coming" Jon had Victor and Daario fetch the maester right away he got Dany on the bed and encouraged her to breathe this was it their child was about to be born.

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