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"In Essos near Meereen Capital"

Dany was asleep in her chambers she was walking down towards Meereen when a bunch of soldiers had capture her people and she heard screams and fire she woke up and screamed "No!" she was gasping it was only a dream Jon had walked in afraid if she was okay she breathing he hugged her tightly Jon was the only one who could calm her down because of the Nightmares Daario came rushing in "I heard screams are okay your grace?" she nodded said it was nothing told him to return to his post he reluctantly left but was eaves dropping near the door. Jon had calmed her down "this one was about Meereen he's getting closer I can feel it" Jon told her this was his fault if he wasn't so stupid none of this would be happening Dany took his hand and told him he is not to blame his brother is she sighed she felt better but need to come up with a plan and quick.

Jon listened to her and agreed they needed to strategize some of the people didn't have a place to live or food to eat Dany wanted to help them Jon looked at her with a smile asked what he could do to help Dany smiled for the first time in a long time she still wasn't sure if she trusted him again but in her heart she still loved him "if you can find shelter and food for the people we might have a chance" he agreed to go into the city and talk to them Dany warned him to be careful there could spies within the areas he agreed he left her chambers to fulfill his mission.

it had been a few hours but Jon had returned with good news he was looking for the Queen but something didn't feel right when he called for her she didn't answer soon he was ambushed and knocked out when he woke up he was in some kind of cell the air was hard to breathe a man approached him Jon's vision was blurry "You don't deserve the Queen and now you never will" he left abruptly" Jon can barely make it out but recognized the second Sons he knew it was Daario Jon had passed out his only hope was Dany would figure it out before it was too late.

Dany was anxiously waiting when Jon didn't show up she started to get worried this wasn't like him he should have been back by now something felt off she had summoned Daario and asked if he saw Jon he said he did not she had ordered Daario to find him Daario told her they were better without him he departed to gather allies for Meereen a guardsman loyal to Queen stopped him "I know what you did we do not imprison guest of the Queen" Daario was angry "he deserves it he is the reason the Queen is suffering" The guard pushed him intensely against the wall "no the Queen will be suffering at your expense" they both turned and the Queen was staring at Daario she was crying and then walked up to him full of Rage she grabbed him by the throat "where is he Where is Jon" Daario refused at first but then told him when the guardsman threatened his life "He's in the cellar down in Meereen why do you care so much for him" the Queen looked at him with destained on her face "maybe one day you'll understand when you have a woman in your life" the Queen and the guardsman entered the cellar they opened the cell Jon was barely holding on

Jon could hear faint voices he felt weak suddenly he saw Dany "Jon oh my god get a Maester now!" Dany was crying begging him to hold on and to not leave her the maester picked up Jon and escorted him to the Queen's chambers Jon barely made it the Maester said any sooner and he would have died the Queen thanked him and her Guardsman Victor for help saving Jon's life she held onto his hand she was weeping in sorrow she collapsed onto his body as he slept she had never been so scared in her life to lose a man yes he did stab her in the heart but despite that she still loved him but had been afraid it was the fear that did that she vowed that she was never going to let that happen again she couldn't lose him not after this she needed him. Victor had exited the Queen's chambers and let Daario have it "I have never seen the Queen like that before she was frightened of losing this man, he is more than her savior they love each other and you tried to destroy that never again" he walked away Daario could hear Dany talking to Jon begging him to fight and live for her

It had felt almost an hour Dany fell asleep in the chair she slept in her chambers near Jon's bedside suddenly Jon opened his eyes he looked at her he was confused a little disorientated but then he remember what happened "Dany?" She looked at him with Joy she was scared and he knew it he grabbed her hand "I'm so sorry I wished we never came to this place" Dany reassured him it was not his fault they had to come "I've been so stupid I wasted so much time being angry at you for something that was beyond our control I don't want to be the girl you hate I want to be the girl you loved I want us back but I don't know how to get us back" Jon smiled he was happy she started to come around but he wanted to do it right the way it was suppose to be before his family betrayed him. "look Dany we love each other so why don't we go from there and take it from there okay" she agreed he stood and kissed her and held her in his arms as they collapses on the bed she was worried today had scared her "I thought I lost you today I don't want to feel that way again" Jon held onto her "stay with me tonight she agreed she had other matters to attend to but would be back.

The Queen sat upon her Throne on Meereen Victor her loyal guardsman had approached her "Your Grace apparently Jon Snow had found shelter and food for the people before he was ambushed by Daario Naharis he was being loyal to you he's a good man your grace" she nodded and was pleased with his news "Thank you victor you'll be happy to know Jon Snow will make a full recovery I would like it if you would be his guardsman" Victor was honored "nothing would please me more than to serve him my Queen" she concluded the meeting but interrupted Daario "Daario a word please in the study" Daario complied he knew what was coming he had betrayed his Queen in the worst way he tried to explain his actions "I did it to protect you your grace" she was bitter and angry "Protect me? Jon nearly died because of you what were you hoping to accomplish by killing the man that I love? hmm did you enjoy torturing me knowing I was worried sick to death about him!" Daario had seen she was hurting she was crying he didn't realize this man meant everything to her "I didn't know I was just trying to help The Queen was furious "you want help try getting support of people to protect me and Jon and keep your nose out of my personal business alright!" Daario understood he was wrong she had changed maybe death changed her he didn't know she was not the girl she fell in love with "I understand I am sorry Daenerys" she nodded she knew he was genuine sorry "I will not exile you or punish you there's been enough punishment for one day but pull another stunt like this again and you'll be advising someone else that clear?!" Daario he nodded and left her alone.

Dany had come into her chambers she changed into her nightgown for the night she took out the braids in her hair and brushed Jon was asleep on the bed still recovering from his wounds she dimmed the lights and snuck into the covers Jon held her in his arms "You okay?" she nodded Jon was awake and he dreaded asking her this but he had to know "Dany why was fear always what you had in your life" Dany was afraid to tell him of the past "she looked at him in bed with him "it was the one thing I knew I had to do" Jon wanted to know why "why were you afraid" "I was afraid of my brother I was a young girl naive my brother he um. . ." she trembling in fear Jon put his hand on the back of her neck and rubbed her back "Its okay you can tell me" she didn't want anymore secrets between them "my brother was abusive he would hit me he blamed me for our house falling I was terrified and I was alone the worst part was when he sold me into slavery" she started crying Jon rubbed her backing letting her tears fall to her face she had been hurt he couldn't believe his own Uncle did this to his Aunt she was suffering because of him "Its okay your safe now it'll be alright" he kissed her forehead and let her sleep "assuming I recover by tomorrow do you want to have dinner with me?" Dany was surprised but agreed to it maybe this was the first step towards forgiveness one things for sure they would get through this together.

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