Dragonstone Trial

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"In Meereen"

Dany was holding Missandei in her arms she speaking to her in Valerian language she had hoped when she was old enough she would be able to learn the language and speak it perfectly as she had with her mother Dany was happy but she knew Bran wouldn't allow it not that she blamed it she had done horrible things yet she didn't understand it.

Jon came into the Queen's chambers he was a wreck hadn't slept the previous night he was not looking forward to to facing Bran the brother who had betrayed him and Dany and was the reason Daenerys almost died Jon smiled as he looked at his daughter their child had Stark features and some Targaryen yet it didn't matter they both wanted to be free from Bran and after that he and Dany could live out their lives with there daughter it was getting close to departing they needed to head to Dragonstone soon. Dany placed Missandei in her crib "we'll need to go soon Dany" she nodded and agreed Jon was unsure taking Missandei in a place like that "are you sure you want to take her to Dragonstone" Dany nodded her head "she's not safe in Meereen  assassins tried to take her out once I won't let that happen besides I want Bran to look at the child they wanted to kill" Jon hugged her "when this is over I want us to find a place to settle down some place when can call our own a home for all three us to live" Dany agreed she wanted that too a family.

Yara had walked in "It's time your grace" they looked at each other there was no stopping them now. Dany picked up Missandei along with Jon and Yara they headed to board a ship they were heading for Dragonstone a place that where Dany was born and had once considered her home Dany was asleep during the ride Jon, Davos, Yara, Daario., and Arya were standing watch Jon had finally been able to sleep he hoped when this was over his nightmares would go away he knows the scars left on Dany will never go away but he hoped someday it all be some bad dream. Jon had entered her room and sat by her side she was sleeping with Missandei next to her both looked like Angels.

It took a few days for their long Journey but the made it to Dragonstone Dragon had flew ahead there was no sign of trouble they all went inside and had to prepare since they would have to conduct this Trial both her and Jon since they both were the last Targaryens they had a right to a fair Trial nothing more or less Jon hated this so did Dany but she reminded everyone they were doing this for her child and Jon they agreed Yara agreed to set up the Trial and help out they decided to have it Davos and Grey Worm had arranged so where the other Noble houses would sit they decided to have it inside safer.

The people starting arriving for the judgement of Bran Stark Daenerys had sat down in her chair with her new born daughter in her arms Jon sat next to her Yara and Davos were near the other side of the table they were prepared Arya sat next to Dany she was determined to protect the Queen they all waited patiently for Bran to arrive it took some time but finally Bran along with Brienne, Bronn, and Tyrion had arrived Daenerys stared at them she held Jon's hand as they sat down in their place. Sansa had arrived with her people she had looked at Arya but didn't look back she felt guilty and stared at the child in Dany's arm.

Jon had stood filled with rage with Tyrion and anger towards Sansa for her betrayal he was upset but wouldn't let Dany see it he didn't want to conduct this trial all he wanted to do was live in peace with his daughter and Dany he hoped this would be over soon. he was dreading this for so long but he had enough he saw Sam was sitting near and didn't know what to say.
Bran looked at him "are you sure you want to do this?" Jon looked filled with rage "it's not up to me it's what honor demands it" Bran nodded Jon looked at Daenerys and nodded "you stand here accuse of murder and treason lord Brandon Stark" everyone was in shock Tyrion did not understand "forgive me Daenerys but I am confused" Dany was angry "which charges?" Arya stood up "The Queen asked you a question"
Tyrion didn't understand Bran was true and did not believe what he was hearing  "Bran is the true king of the seven kingdoms" Dany was irritable "in which you orchestrated by having Jon murder me do you deny it?" Tyrion answered "I deny it I did what was right she murdered innocent people" Jon spoke up "and you manipulated me to murdering the person I loved so Bran could be king do you deny it?" Tyrion tried to defend his actions but no-one would listen "My Queen I beg you please show mercy" Dany was flabbergast "when I was a little girl my brother and I would play a game and try to imagine how our enemies would betray us tell me what's the worse thing you could do to me both you and Bran?"

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