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the palace seemed peaceful Daenerys was grateful for the support she had  received she and Jon were on the balcony staring outside the city. Jon was amazed by the city he had never seen anything so amazing it was enough to make his heart Jump but of course he was staring at Dany's heart. Jon looked at her with an awe "this place is amazing seems peaceful" Dany smiled "yeah for the moment but peace can only last for long she placed her hand on her pregnant belly she was beginning to show Jon placed his hand on her belly "I hope our child has a normal life" she smiled "I hope she has features like yours". they looked at the the sunset when they were interrupted by Daario Jon had held her hand when they turned "My Queen sorry for the interruption but Lord Tyrion is demanding to see both of you"  

Dany shook her head in disgrace what could possible he wanted to see them for besides to murder both of them he was the reason she and Jon were destroyed they both sensed it was a trap Jon had agreed and vowed to protect her "Daenerys I don't like it sounds like a trap" Daario was astound for once he and Jon agreed on one thing and he didn't trust him but the Queen did "Agreed Jon we'll tread lightly have Arya escort us down the Cellars with Victor and let's see what he has to say" Jon agreed Daario spoke suddenly "Daenerys can I speak to you in private" she nodded Jon went ahead of her she would meet him in the cellars Dany wanted to know what was up "Can you honestly tell me that you trust him he was the one who betrayed you" Dany honestly was getting feed up with Daario constantly berating Jon "he has also saved me and helped me gain alliances I wouldn't be here without him" Daario was resistance "with all due respect your grace what's to stop him from stabbing you in the back!" Dany's anger couldn't take it anymore "May I remind you I am your Queen and you swore your loyalty to me further more he is the man I love and I carry his child you ever speak that way to me again and I won't hesitate to exile you for your crimes" she walked away rashly leaving him speechless.

"Meereen prison"

Jon waited until Victor her guardsman came in with her he was worried about her he had hoped that Daario had not interfered he did not like Daario every time he looked at Dany there were times he was Jealous and Arya could sense it despite that he knew Dany would choose hime each time. "everything okay?" Daenerys nodded Victor instructed to wait there while he unchained Tyrion Jon stood next toward Dany holding her hand protecting her and their child Victor had returned with the prisoner "your grace I'll be close by" she thanked Victor Tyrion looked at her didn't know what to say. she looked at him full of anger and rage he tried to explain "Daenerys I. . ." she cut him off "Don't you dare call me by name after the treason you committed against me and Jon!" Tyrion looked at Jon with disdained "Jon I. . . he stood by his Queen and lover "Don't you dare speak to me after everything you and Bran did both of you manipulated me and you destroyed both of us we loved each other how could do that to us!" "I thought I was protecting the realm" Dany was is disgusted by him Jon was full of rage "protecting the realm? she was no threat she wasn't a monster she was lost and in grief she needed us and you abandoned and had her murdered! Dany was in tears she could see how much Jon was in pain "your damn lucky the Queen is here if it were up to me I'd rip your throat out but it's not she is the reason I am sane" Dany looked at him furious "what is that you want for us if you came here for forgiveness you'll get none from me Dany placed her hand on her pregnant belly.

Tyrion looked at her "your with child" Dany nodded "yes and there's nothing that I wouldn't do for my child or his or her father" they both walked away hand in hand Tyrion had tried to stop them "your grace please the king is innocent in this" both them stopped all of suddenly and starred at him Jon walked up to him "you really think Bran is innocent in this? He is the reason that the destruction of Kings Landing happened in the first place he told Dany to burn it down that's how the Three eyed Raven's powers work Dany can't remember or recall what happened in Kings Landing let's go Dany it's a waste of time Victor take him back to his cell!" They walked away. Tyrion couldn't believe it could it be true was Bran responsible if that was true than that means he betrayed his Queen for nothing.

Daenerys had walked the halls smiling at her pregnant belly Arya had come in quickly "Your grace how are you feeling?" Dany smiled at Arya "you know what I'm good this little one is all that matters Arya touched her belly "I hope it's a girl I'm sorry about my family and I'm sorry I didn't welcome you or thanked you when you helped the North" she nodded but told her it was in past right now all that matter was the future Arya decided she wanted to forgive and get to know her better they had sat down in the dinning room ate dinner and laughed Jon had come in and was smiling "sounds like you two are getting along" Arya smiled "yeah I should get back to work this was nice I'd like to do this again" Dany agreed anytime she wants to get away she walked out of the room and smiled at Jon he was happy for his sister and Dany "it's nice seeing that" he sat down next to her he was worried after being down in the cellar stress was not good for the baby but she was calm she was exhausted Jon had escorted to their chambers so she could get some rest he stayed by her side.

Dany had woken up a few hours later after her nap Jon was next to her in bed he was watching her sleep and was caressing her pregnant belly they had felt the baby move it was a strong kick she was happy but knew what came next "what are we going to do about Bran" she hated this deciding his fate she doesn't want revenge she was done with that "I don't want revenge I just want them to leave us alone I want to have a normal life with you me and the baby" Jon kissed her forehead and her hand "whatever you decide I'm right behind you" Dany agreed "I have a request" 

Brienne, Bronn, Tyrion, and Bran were getting restless they had been fed by the unsullied and were treated well but were expecting their deaths coming up sooner Jon had entered saw Grey worm and whispered to him orders from the Queen Grey Worm had agreed "I am loyal to my Queen" Jon agreed "as I am I she need us now more than ever listen I'm sorry about Missandei" Grey Worm "I loved her and miss her everyday" Jon put his hand on Grey Worm's shoulder "she was a good woman and loyal" Jon and Grey Worm entered the Prison Jon opened the cellar doors he unchained all the prisoners and he spoke "your free to go under the Queen's order that you never return here ever again and if you try and send soldiers to assassinate us the Unsullied will storm Kings Landing so if you don't want your lands destroyed I suggest you return while you can" Brienne was shocked "she's letting us go?" Jon nodded "her grace doesn't want revenge or a war she's done with all that all she asks is you leave us in peace so we can live our lives" Bronn nodded "sounds reasonable" Tyrion looked at Jon "she needs our help I get you don't trust us" Jon cut him off abruptly "or your plotting to assassinate us either way I want you gone and as for you Bran you try anything and I'll make sure to finish the Job starting with you either way she wants all of you gone by today and if you so much breathed a word what you saw here today I'll bury all four of you and the Red Priestess Kinvara will watching so don't play us for a fool Jon walked away not looking behind him.

Arya and Daario had escorted Brienne, Bronn, Tyrion, and King Bran on a ship back to white Harbor back to Winterfell Arya had made sure she wasn't followed "doesn't feel good being exiled from Essos does it don't come back here again or you'll be facing my sword arms" Daario had agreed "The Queen didn't want to be here given the circumstances so when you get back not a word if you do the Second Sons will find you as will the Unsullied" Bran nodded in agreement truth be told he was afraid Arya and Daario watched as they sailed away "at least the Queen and King are safe" Daario agreed they headed back towards the palace.

"Near white Harbor" 

the crew of Kings Landing had made it back Tyrion and Bran were back in the palace everything seemed peaceful until Tyrion received word from the Queen of the North that the people had accused Bran of treason after hearing what Bran was planning to do the people no longer had faith him there would be a trial where he would have to face judgement for his crimes this time he wouldn't be able to get out of it his advisors had been loyal but knew this day would finally arrive Tyrion was expecting the worst he knew Davos, Yara, and Sam would not be there as they had been loyal to Daenerys the one person he betrayed they were on their own and it was going to be a cold trial.    

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