chapter four

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One year later~

Coralines Pov

It's been a year. The guild still mourns for our deceased guild mates. I did grieve but I moved swiftly on. I was never one to dwel on a matter for too long. I sighed this job was exhausting. Jobs became scars very quickly. Now that most of the powerhouses in the guild were gone, jobs wernt so steady now. I had chosen a easy job. Search through a library to find am acietent book on cooking. Cooking! I sighed again.

After the job was complete I had found a train station for some reason sickness never took over me on trains.  Not really any transportation. Unlucky nat-. I cut that though off.

"Sure little rat! Now scram no one cares!" I saw some older boys and a few girls mocking an red exceed. It looked close to tears as I rushed over.
"What in the world do you think your doing? You better leave before I wipe the floor with you." My mudeours gaze was horrific. The teens rushed off. "What a load of pansies." I ticked and I turned to the small feline. His face held a sense of awe.
"And what's your name little one?" His smiled big at me.

"I'm lector! Thanks for the help Miss!" I giggled. 
"Are you alone?" I little one shook his head before telling all about 'Sting-kun.' His chubby little face lit up as he talked of his friend.

"He sounds lovely, could i meet him? I'm not comfortable letting you walk home alone." He nodded before leading me to a small house on the edge of town.

"Lector!" He stumbled over his words flushing, "Who's this?"

"Nice to meet you! I'm Coraline!"
An almost intoxicating smell wafted through the air. 'Oh you've got to be kidding me.'

sister dearest ~ oc x sting x rogue Where stories live. Discover now