chapter sixteen

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Grand Magic Games

Time: Just after Lucy has been 'defeated' by Flare.

"Get up Lucy! Theres still days left before this tournament ends!" Natsu encourages the blonde who is still to weak to stand, she gives a smile far tears of shame and embarrassment running down her dirty face.
Another figure walks out onto the pitch, her pink hair flutters as she walks towards her guildmates.
Grabbing the blondes arm softy she hurls her up shifting her weight to the side to steady the other woman.

"C'mon Celestia, enough of the tears." Coraline spoke softly to the girl, Natsu straining to hear the few soft words of comfort that Coraline told Lucy.

Lucy nodded happy to have Coraline touch her willing and helping her...not to mention that old nickname that always gave a warm feeling to Lucy. It made her for once feel strong.

Coraline POV

"Hi, I'm Lucy! I just joined the guild!" A busty blonde ran up to numerous members of the guild happily chatting and introducing herself.
"Um, excuse me?" I turned around surprised to she the blonde talking to me mostly people ignored me as I was younger.
"Hello, I'm Lucy it's nice to meet you!" I smiled at the teenager infornt of me she was pretty with big brown eyes and straight pearly white teeth. She looked overjoyed to be here and kept glancing at her hand that had her newly marked guild mark on it.
"Hey, I'm Coraline! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

°   °   °

"Wow! You can summon spirits from another realm?" I beamed bouncing slightly on my mattress.
"Yeah. It's not too powerful but all my spirits are my family." Lucy looked dejected before smiling. I raised an eyebrow, "Lucy, you can summon powerful spirits from another realm who have their own attacks and magic, by doing so you feed magic through the key to unlock it and then you power up another being! That's so cool, its unique!" Lucy looked happy with the praise of her abilities.

"Your literally powering up stars! It's so magical! Celestia would be a perfect job name!" Lucy looked confused by what I had said

"Job name?"

"Well, more like the name your more recognized by when you work. Such as Erza is more known and Titania Queen of the Fairies!" Lucy nodded happily
"What's yours?" I looked down a little saddened
"I dont have one, I'm to weak to even cast a spell. But master allows me to do the smaller quests like babysitting and working at restaurants..."

Flashback over Coraline POV

"Its been a long time since you've called me that." I led Lucy towards to infirmary, I nodded my head before sighing.
"You lived up to the name: Celetia ruler of the stars." Lucy looked shocked before tearing up, clenching my shoulder sobbing slightly. I held her comfortably in my arms, stroking her head. She wiped her tears and grinned at me.

"So did you finally get a 'job name'?" I looked at her before leading her again towards to infirmary.
"I did."
"And?" Lucy pushed me.

"Tenshi no unmei"

I apologise so much for missing the holiday updates, I'd like to say I was busy but I'm just lazy and decided instead of doing homework (which is impossib) I'd do this instead! It hasnt been edited to sorry for any mistakes.

Tenshi no unmei - Angel of Destiny

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