Chapter seventeen

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Coralines POV

I gently put Lucy in the hospital bed, her blond, matted hair cushioned her bruised head slightly. Her face twisted in pain as lightly undressed her.

"Ouch!" I pulled back quickly, her ribs were severely bruised and looked already swollen. I gulped and called for Polyusica. The pink haired woman bashed my head slightly and pushed me outside the door. I scowled at the now shut door. Huffing I made my way back towards the stands.

"How's lucy?" Mirajane asked, her kind blue eyes peering at me.
I looked at the white haired beauty, my eyes widening slightly. Her voice was much more smoother than I remember. I hadn't talked to Mira since she came back, seven years ago I was extremely close. She was my role model for everything, raised me when Natsu neglected to do so with his brash personality.

I shook my head, "yeah shes fine. Just needs some rest." Mira trapped my arm lightly pulling me towards the balcony. "So who's fighting who now?"

Mira looked down at the pitch, "Noone we know fortunately, that Sabertooth mage is very powerful though.." she trailed off a worried look crossing her features.

"Their guild is made up of very prideful people, many she this as power but it really is only arrogance." I glanced at the women, our eyes meeting a small smile shared between us.

"That's the end of the second day, hope you enjoyed!"

The Fairytail guild all trudged back to the Honeybone Inn. Coraline had  split up with them at a cross road not too long ago.

"Coraline really helped Lucy today. She was so sweet!" Mirajane smiled, some other female guildmates nodded.
"I know shes angry with us, but it's really nice that she carried Lucy out of the stadium!" Levy cheered, her blue hair bouncing slightly as she hopped off her left foot. Cana slirred some words that sounds like 'little squirt grew...' or something but the brunette was to drunk to make incorrect words.


"So, hows that ignorant guild of yours?" Sting asked as he and his two mates cuddled with him on a park bench. Coraline was squished between the two slightly younger boys, their chests all breathing the same peaceful rhythm.
Coralines brows pinched before she licked her lips, "I believe they still dont understand my full pain but I belive it's getting better..." Rogue looked at his female mate in undying love and worry. He felt her heartache for the opposite sides of arena but out here, cuddled between the two men she was relaxed and completely at peace.

"Have you thought about our offer?" Rogue asksd, his red eyes avoiding her wide eyes. She looked down sadly, "I'm thankful that you both want me in your guild but Fairytail gave me a home when I didn't have them, I'll never leave them," Coaline took a breath, "even if it seems I betrayed them I really love them." Coraline smiled small droplets of tears in her eye ducts.

"Your to amazing for them you know that?"

Chapter 17 is done! Thank you everyone for reading so far, your comments really encourage me! I'm in self isolation for the mean time so I'll try and start Chapter 18 and publish it soon! Also I'm sorry if the GMG is not in order as it has been awhile since I watched Fairytail!

Bye everyone ✌

Not edited

sister dearest ~ oc x sting x rogue Where stories live. Discover now