Chapter 22

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So many things happened. It seemed so perfect, Sting Rogue and Coarline floating in and out of the ballroom. The drama from the last few days had weighed on them, not ready to talk about the argument, the kidnapping, the last event, dark Rogue and lastly death.

If it wasnt for that minute of time rewinding Sting and Coaline would be in a casket. That thought circled Rogues mind relentlessly. His dark eyes glancing at the awkward pair of mates in front of him.

"You left me..." finally Rogue spoke. Coraline glanced up for her flute of water. "Yeah." He could see her breathing increase, as if she was scared, as if this was all but a dream. "I was so scared, you and Sting leave me Cora!" Rogue was outside with his mates, away from the judging eyes. His voiced raised, cracking tears in his eyes.

"Rogue.." Sting walked forward scooping the shorter male up in his pale, muscled arms. A sob shook through the boys. Coraline looked down, she had been keeping a secret a huge one. Before the argument she was going to tell them...but..

"Queen, I'm so sorry I did that, that I snapped at you. I know I have no right, but please forgive me." Sting pleaded, Rogue still within his arms. Coraline sniffled and nodded, "I love you both so much." Coraline sobbed joining the hug.

There was a commotion inside and the three made their way back Inside. The tension disappearing.

"Its only right that Yukino comes to Fairytail!" Erza shouted, drunk arguing with a group of females all trying to hug the whitete.
"A-ah!" Yukino had a nervous blush on her face glancing around the arguing room.

"Miss Yukino?" Rogue walked froward, Sting and Coraline behind him. "We have no right but if you wish you are welcome back at Sabertooth." Sting nodded, Coraline smiled brightly at the trio.


"As your new King i proclaim that Coraline should fight me! Right now!" Natsu grinned charging at the female pinkette.

"I will have to decline." Coraline dodged the fist of fire and Natsu sank to the floor. "Why?!"

Coraline now looked slightly nervous, "Well I did want to tell the boys first but.. um.."
Sting rushed forward, "Whats wrong?" He asked a worried and nervous tone overcoming the first signs of drunkeness. Rogue gathered the women in his arms.

The young woman glanced around noticing attention was now on the.

"I'm pregnant!"

Its been a while huh? First things thank you for reading this! Omgosh I was so shocked! Second I think that this will be the last OFFICIAL chapter. I may do some one shots later in time but for now, have this cliffhanger!


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