What He Does When The Other Isn't Around

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(Sorry for the long title lmao)

•What Fitz Does•
Cameron will usually distract himself. He'd edit for his main channel and then find some good clips to give to his editor on the sellout- i mean second channel. He'd look on his media, respond to a few things, and attempts to text his lover. He'd also tune his guitar and maybe try to play a song or a few chords.

If he gets tired of that he quickly moves on and watches some of his Swagger's videos, work out a bit, or play a solo game or a multiplayer game with his other friends, like Kryoz and Smii7y. He'd go and drive over to the Misfits Manor and fuck around with the other boys while he waits for Eric to come home. But if the boys are busy, he goes to Eric's room and usually look around, finding little things he's never noticed, smoke a blunt, sit around, and lays in his boyfriend's bed, cuddling Swagger's favorite pillows or blankets and eventually falls asleep. Swagger is always glad that he sometimes finds Fitz in his room, he'd always gently replace the pillows or blankets with himself and cuddles into Cam's chest as he holds onto him tighter with a bit of relief.

•What Swagger Does•
Eric would do something similar to what Cam does. He'd do an unnecessary amount of editing for future videos, he'd go and fuck around on his social media, work out, and attempt to text him.

He'd go and bother the other boys and smoke a blunt or two, and record something. Swagger would often just try and distract himself as much as he can while Cam is off doing whatever, but sometimes he'd lay in his bed just staring at the ceiling, waiting for Cam to just come and visit. He'd often have long discord calls with Bee, Toby, Kryoz, manager Ryan, and other friends. He'd also find a good playlist and sing to the songs that are on it, or at least what he knows. Most of the time he ends up on the couch, taking hits from the bong with Mason, and Fitz would come in and greet him happily. Eric would jump up with glee and go to hug his lovely, tall boyfriend, and they spend the night together talking about the day and falling asleep in eachother's arms.


I'm well aware of the fact that Swagger's name is most likely not Eric (420 words mark), but he said we can call him that, and that Cam doesn't live in the Misfits manor. I see why people would think Fitz lives there, but he lives in his own home, except he's near the manor so he can easily visit :) but i'm sorry it's short. It's a preference sort of thing lol

Word Count: 472

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