Over The Phone <SMUT, PART 01>

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Swagger groaned in annoyance. His boyfriend Cameron hasn't been back in weeks due to a few complications, and he was outside of Melbourne for a business trip. He craved for him to be back.

A knock at Swagger's room door interrupted his thoughts and he shot up from his bed, looking over to where the sound came from. "Come in." He said.

Bordie and Toby opened the door with large grins on their faces. "Swagger!~ How are you doing?" Bordie asked, running over and sitting on the edge of Swagger's bed, Toby doing the same. He groaned and fell back down onto his bed. Toby scooted closer to him and ruffled his hair, frowning.

"You miss him don't you?" She asked, pulling her hand away from his hair. "Of course I do, and... The feeling gets worse the longer he's gone." Swagger trailed off on the last part, repositioning his head onto Toby's lap. Bordie looked over to Toby and tilted her head a bit in confusion. Toby leaned over and whispered something, causing both of them to straighten up and blush slightly.

"Swagger... You're horny..?" Bordie muttered quietly, and Swagger's face goes red. He slowly nodded his head and Toby snickers, placing her hands back on Swagger's hair. "And nothing is working?"

"Yeah literally NOTHING. I've tried jerking off, nope. Porn, nope. Both, no! God why am I telling you both this..." Swagger complained, his face still red. Toby looked over at Bordie, a little smile on her face. 'Should we suggest it?' she mouthed, and Bordie responded with a nod.

"Have you tried toys..?" Toby smirked and she felt Swagger tense up. "...No... I don't have any." Swagger mumbled, sitting up and facing Bordie and Toby. Toby turned to Bordie with wide eyes, Bordie returning the same expression. Toby turned back to Swagger, an awkward smile on her face. "Me and Bordie thought you'd be the kind to have some..."

Swagger's face went red again. "Really??" he asked, and both girls nodded. He shook his head and started laughing, Bordie and Toby soon joining in as well. The laughter soon died down and Toby turned to Swagger, speaking up. "Do you think it'll help?"
"The faster the better I guess..? It's worth a shot." Swagger turned away and blushed. Bordie's face brightened up and she got off the bed, readjusting her skirt and smiling. "If you want, me and Toby will take you! And since you want the feeling over with, we can go to a store that sells the toys. Of course... We'd need a disguise and such."

Swagger sat in the back of the car whining while Toby drove to the "toy" store. Bordie looked back at Swagger from her seat and smacked his leg, speaking up.

"I'm in the passenger's seat! You can't pick the songs!"

"But you've had the aux ever since we left the house!!"

"Back seat never picks the songs!"

"Yes they do!"

"Both of you brats shut up before I take the aux!" Toby yelled, rolling her eyes and trying not to laugh at the dumb bickering. Bordie huffed and looked back at Swagger, who was crossing his arms and looking out the window. She felt a bit bad, so she reached over and pat his leg.

"One song request." Bordie smiled. Swagger's turns to her, eyes brightening in an instant.

After another 10 minutes they finally arrive at the store. Swagger's pulse quickened and his cheeks turned red. The store was so open with the things they have inside, it flusters him a bit.

Toby turns from her seat and looks at Swagger, a smirk on her face.

"We'll come with you, but did you get our disguises?"

"...FUCK IT!" Swagger slightly yelled, sitting up and patting his legs. "I'll go in by myself!.. What do I get?"

Toby and Bordie laughed, what a lil noob. Toby turned and smiled at him. "Do you have a preference?" She asked, Swagger shook his head and looked up at her, face flustered.

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