Love Me Dead!

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sort of a promotion for my original au with the misfits and their friends(book coming soon)! and its like one of those songfics or whatever you call them.


Love me cancerously.
Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea.

The night was young, The Misfits were on a rooftop, looking for their next target, a man of horrific history/backstory.

Swagger's voice erupted through the walkie talkie. "He's walking out now. Bait is set, everyone in their places."

Toby dropped down to her knees beside Fitz, taking out parts of what seemed like an assault rifle and setting them up on the ground.

Zuckles sat on Notorious' lap near the edge, keeping a close eye for the target and going over the assumed escape routes: the forest, his car, or the streets.

Mccreamy's voice soon erupted through the walkie talkie. "Swagger you near the forest?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Waiting near his car at the lot, near the streets as well."

High-maintenance means:
You're a gluttonous queen,
Narcissistic and mean!

Fitz looked down in disgust, finding the target with the bait they have set up.

"He found the girl." He muttered, setting up his assault rifle.

The man went up to the bait, a girl not any older than 13 with a short haircut and a pink dress. "Hey sweetheart. You lost?" He asked, a slight raspiness in his voice.

He felt a bit irritated when the girl didn't answer. So he asked again, more harshly this time. "Hey, honey I'm talking to you, are you lost?"

He furrowed his brows and gritted his teeth, walking towards the girl and forcing her to turn around, but to his surprise it was a makeshift child. Her face was spray-painted and a note was stuck to the chest.

His blood ran cold when he read the note out loud. "Surprise?" He studied the pink ink and an 'F' left as a signature, and soon looked around. He spotted the rifle pointed towards him and dropped the note, going on a full run.

Kill me romantically!

Fitz grabbed ahold of the walkie talkie and spoke. "HE'S GETTING AWAY! HEADED TO THE FOREST!"

"Copy that." Swagger's voice came through after, and the chase was soon on.

The target tripped and tumbled, running through the forestry, pushing any branches out the way. He didn't notice or hear the footsteps following quickly behind him over the sound of his breath, leaving him clueless.

After minutes of running, the man is soon lost inside the forest, afraid. He tries to catch his breath, sitting under a tree and holding his head. He felt his eyes flutter shut for a bit, still regaining his breath.

Fill my soul with vomit,
Then ask me for a piece of gum.

Swagger stepped in front of the man, pulling his helmet off and pulling out his gun, aiming at the man's chest.

The man soon opened his eyes, and he froze in fear, seeing Swagger's masked face. He felt Swagger's dark eyes pierce straight through him as beads of sweat rolled down his head.

"Surprise, Mr. Pedophile." Swagger said quickly before shooting three shots into the man's chest, letting him bleed out.

Bitter and dumb,
You're my sugarplum! 🖤

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