a/n (i'm back bbyyyy!)

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bro i haven't been on this fandom's dick in years but ima just say it now, i just started watching them again and i'm lowkey kinda livin for this nostalgic vibe they're givin me after bein away for several months.

real reasons why i left this book is bc of my other book(s), they've been keepin me busy for the past while and i wanted to focus on them more, second reason was all the drama that's gone on w/ fitz and real issues that's outside the fandom, third was the sudden overwhelming time where the boys were coming less and less on their own podcast, vice versa the multiple other guests they had on the podcast (it sounds selfish but i didn't really feel interested in seeing any of the ones w the guests :/). i haven't kept track of anything they've been doing (podcast-wise)

fourth is that i basically just fell out of the fandom.. it got a bit too toxic for me so i slowly drifted away, this book was great for me to leave a small mark in my own way, and i just slowly ran out of inspiration and motivation to try and work on it. it was amazing while it lasted and i finally took a break, now i kinda wanna go back into the fandom and see what i can do.

i'll be back to updating as soon as i find a good prompt to use, and i hope you guys are fine with the wait. love you all. :)

edit: yes i will be using a few of the prompts or ideas you all previously gave to me, thank you for those btw i dont think i have said it (and if i did, i havent said it enough)

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