Body Insecurity

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This preference mainly focuses on Swagger. I can and probably will make a oneshot out of this, definitely!

How Cam Helps Swagger w/ Body Insecurities

-Cam gives his full attention to Swagger
-By that, i mean he literally clears his schedule, Cam barely gets on his phone, barely/doesn't edit his videos, nada. Just full attention and support for Swagger
-Lots of cuddling
-"You look nice with all of your outfits, baby. Don't be afraid to show it off."
-Very supportive, passionate kisses
-Cam "spoils" Eric as much as he can
-Ton of really comforting shoulder kisses for the next week or three
-Lots. Of. Blushing.
-Make out sessions, especially the morning after the whole dilemma. Maybe some sex too
-"Maybe I should say I hate my body more often." -Eric, trying to think about how to get love and attention from Cam
-Did I mention cuddling? With Swagger on top of Cam completely relaxed and Cam giving him angel kisses (kisses on top of his eyelids very gently) and being all cutesy??
-Lots of in-depth talking
-"I cleared my schedule just for you."
-Whispering/telling sweet nothings to each other

I dunno how i got this idea, but i know people who struggle with body insecurity, dysphoria, anorexia, etc. and i guess i thought of them while i wanted new ideas for the book, i don't want to be inactive like i've done before. i hope this was at least a bit interesting, i plan on making a whole oneshot for it, if i do it definitely will come out soon :) love you all!

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