Bar Date <SMUT>

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this is a big ol smut. or lemon. idk call it whatever. ive thought of this long and hard, and i finally decided to make one so. enjoy?? i never made one. theres a first for everything or,, whatever.
made this with r e s p e c c

update: HEY! this was made after podcast 48 was released, so toby has already come out, so with respect (and since she likes it more) i'll be calling toby a she/her from here on out! :))

Swagger pulled the black denim jacket on and grinned. It was a nice saturday night, and he was going on a date with his boyfriend Fitz since they haven't for a little while. His outfit was priceless, he was wearing the outfit he wore when he was up on a stage pretending to be a DJ, a black shirt, the denim jacket, black ripped jeans, and some black shoes. He felt ready to go out, he went over to his phone and went to go message his lover.

Swagger💗: Hey baby, I'm all ready :)

Cammy❤️❤️: Alright, I'll be there to pick you up soon! Love you, dear <3

Swagger smiled and blushed, the multiple nicknames Cameron gives him always gets him happy and excited in a way. He tucked his phone into his pocket and grabbed his black balaclava, just in case. He went downstairs, being greeted by the other four boys fucking around. Ryan and Sam were also there, joining the fun.

"You guys won't burn the house down right? Because if you will, I'm gonna call a fucking babysitter for all of you!" Swagger laughed, bending down onto the couch and grinning. A few minutes later, the front door opens, revealing Cam in a simple outfit of a white button up shirt and some black pants and his iconic sneakers. He grinned, a light pink tint on his face looking at Swagger's outfit up and down. Swagger looked over at him and smiled, straightening back up and walking over to Cam.

"I promise to take the gremlin back in one piece!" Cam said to them, smiling and grabbing Swagger's hand soon enough, leading him out the door and into his car. He smiled and started the car again, looking at Swagger one more time. "I love it when you wear this outfit." Cam complimented, making Swagger turn away and blush slightly. "Too bad I'll be ruining it tonight..." Cam mumbled to himself, making Swagger turn back to face him and question what he said, but Cam ignoring him and leaning in to kiss Swagger's forehead.

They arrived at the bar, and by the looks of it, it was busy tonight. There were people in and out of the doors, and some people were making out outside of the building. The music was loud, the bass could be heard outside in the parking lot and there were a shit ton of cars parked there. Cam held onto Swagger's hand and smiled. "You remember the rules, right babe?" Cam asked, looking down to Swagger and he nodded. They walked inside, the smell of alcohol quickly filling their noses. Noise was everywhere, and being a Misfit, they were used to it. They headed over to the bar and sat down, ordering a few beers and letting themselves go of negative feelings.

A few hours of drinking and both men were already drunk, Cam was less drunk, since someone had to sober up quickly and drive back to the Misfits Manor. Cam looked around and suddenly got up. "HOLY SHIT! LOOK WHO IT IS!" Swagger looked over at his boyfriend in confusion, and suddenly Cam ran into the crowd, losing Swagger.
"Fuck, am I really gonna spend the rest of this date alone?" Swagger furrowed his brows and grunted, pulling out his phone and texting Cam.

Swagger💗: Cameron where r u

Cammy❤️❤️: I found an old friendill be back soon

Swagger💗: wtf bettwr come back soon or im stealing ur car

Cammy❤️❤️: noo :( sont leave me
i mean dont

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