Chapter 2

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I quietly walk to the door, opening it just wide enough to peek my head out.

Jaebum, who has been standing by my door this entire time, snaps his head to the sound of the door creaking open.

"Hey, Bummie, can I get some water? My throat is parched."

"Fine, but go to sleep after this. Okay, Hyuck?"

I nod and watch him walk away, turning my attention to the only camera at the end of the hall. I focus hard, using some of my telekinesis to the best of my ability to turn it off.

That should do it. Hopefully, Jaebum doesn't come quickly.

I leave my dorm, shutting the door quietly behind me. As I run down the hall, I listen intently to any sound coming from the other halls nearby. If I did my calculations correctly, Jaebum still has fifteen seconds before he gets to the water cooler. That also leaves me thirty seconds to get out of this area of the building.

Since this area is designated for non-experimental use, they created a barrier around the walls made of something that stops me from teleporting out of this building. As soon as I get to the South Wing, I should be able to use some of my teleportation.

I can feel my heart beat quicken in my chest. This needs to work.

I find another camera and immediately cause it to implode quietly, making the small box fall off the wall.

"Shit shit shit shit," I mumble. That made too much noise.

Okay, I need to go now or else they'll find me. Jaebum is bound to be back, looking for me.

I scan my surroundings and shake my arms out, before running and imagining myself outside of the building.

Within seconds, I feel the warm air around me, indicating that I was successful.

I can't stop here so I try teleporting further, causing me to end up at the bottom of the hill that the laboratory resides on. I didn't get very far before I encountered an obstacle. This was a very big obstacle: the river that surrounded the place.

Okay, Donghyuck, it's just like any teleportation you've done. It should be fine. Just focus.

I take in a deep breath, remembering all the steps to teleport a further distance.

Sounds break my trance. There were tire screeches and yelling. I shoot my head towards the direction of the sound, starting to panic.

I have to hurry and focus harder. Shit shit shit fuck fuck fuck. Okay I can do this.

I imagine myself crossing the water, really trying keep my target in my mind.

Before I know it, my entire body moves and I find myself on the other side of the water.

Oh thank goodness, it worked. I thought I was a dead man for sure.

My feet start to take me away from there as I sprint as far as I can go. My head was starting to really hurt from using teleportation so strongly. I'm not used to moving that far of a distance. It's only ever been 30-40 feet at the lab's gym.

I kept alternating between running and teleporting myself. It seemed as if an entire day went by before I found myself in a town. No one can know who I am. I quickly throw my hood over my head and continue my run, this time not as fast.

There really isn't a location in my mind of where I want to go so I just stick with moving forward until I can find a safe place to stop and rest.

The sun slowly started to rise in the sky, indicating that morning had arrived. That means I have been running for a good couple of hours now. It didn't seem like the lab's security team were close at all so I decided to slow my pace.

Trees surrounded me and the sound of birds filled my ears. It was such a thrilling experience, since the only birds that I've heard were the fake ones on the videos I watched for schooling. The real chirping was a lot better to hear. It definitely calmed my anxiety.

It wasn't long before I started to hear noises nearby that weren't normal. My heart beat quickens and I start to move my pace faster into a run. I don't want to risk anything, even if it isn't the goons from the lab.

The noise seems to get louder so I start to sprint and decide on using my teleportation again. Since I wasn't thinking of where to go, it took me an entire mile away, landing me in a town. I kept running until I crash into something hard, but soft as well? That isn't right.

A hand enters my vision, making me realize I was on the ground.

"Sorry, man. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you okay?"

His voice sounds really nice. I stare at him for a moment, no words wanting to come out.

The owner of the voice looks confused at my silence.

"Are you okay?"

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