twenty - three

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diana took her phone out and began to read miss' email "alright so the instructions say just to get a skyline tour bus then follow it through the city making notes of your top three favourite locations, seems easy enough"

a great smile appeared on my face as i've always wanted to go on a tour bus yet avonlea is too small for that kind of thing. we all began walking to the bus stop we could see at the end of the road and i zones out watching the life of new york.

"anne," i was shook from my daze as a arm rested on my shoulder, "sit with me on the bus?" i turned to see those honey hazel eyes once more dripping in welcome and kindness.

"sorry gilbert but i shall be sat next to diana," i began walking more swiftly as to catch up with everyone else

"but diana is sat next to charlie," he scoffed knowing he'd caught me

"yeah well then i'll sit next to-"
"admit it anne you don't want to sit next to me that's fine but i just though after everything that maybe you'd want to but it's fine, really."

now he was the one walking swiftly as he went to join charlie as the two boys laughed together and gilbert looked happy. he turned and we caught each others eyes and i knew what i wanted to say i just didn't know how.

"okay yeah i will," i shouted with some regret since everyone turned around. i didn't have to say anything else and neither did gilbert he just smirked and gave me a wink, a wink that flipped my insides upside down.

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