You're Hired.

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    You sat outside on the table just near the doors of Panera Bread with your (best friend), “Ew!” your friend cried. “This soup is cold.”

    “It should be, you have been playing with your phone the whole time.” you teased. Your friend gave you a little sneer and sipped (his/her) coffee.

    “Have you heard about your job yet? I mean, you are an incredible maid.”

    “Thanks for the encouragement. It’s been a week, I don’t think they are going to call back.”

    “You don’t know that for sure, you put your application in a new country. It is going to take a while for them to get back with you.”

    “I only put it in for a chance to see London. It would be an amazing opportunity.”

    “Yes, it would. I am going to be jealous when you get it.”

    “What makes you think I’m going to be picked at all?”

    “I just know these things.” Your friend, God help (him/her) had a incurable sense of optimism. No matter how dull the outcome was in a situation, (he/she) would always look on the bright side of things to help lighten the load.

    Your cell phone rang and you fumbled through your purse to find it, “Hello?” you answered.

    “Yes, is this (f/n. l/n)?”

    “This is her.”

    “Perfect, I have called to inform you that you have been selected by an employer here in London.”

    “I have? That is great news, Thank you very much. May I ask who it is I am working for now?”

    “I’m afraid not. That information will be disclosed when you get here madam.”

    “Of course.”

    “We expect you to be here within the month, miss.”

    “That is perfectly agreeable. Thank you again.”

    “Goodbye.” The lady on the other end hung up and you looked up at your best friend who shared a smile, “I’m going to miss you terribly.”

    “I’m going to miss you too.”

    “Did they say who you were working for?”

    “No. They said they would tell me when I got there.”

    “You know what that means don’t you?”

You shook your head. “It means you’re working for someone famous or high up in society.”

    “You think so?”

    “Uhm. I know so.”

    “I wonder who I’m working for.”

    “Who would you want it to be, huh?” Your friend teased.

    “Yeah, what are the chances that will happen.”

    “You never know. It is England after all.”

    You looked at your optimistic friend and smiled. Once your lunch was finished with your best friend, you retreated home to pack the rest of your things. England was the place you oh so wanted to go since you were a child. It seemed like everything was happening there and there was never a dull moment.

    Your heart pumped with excitement as you packed the last suitcase. You lived with a room mate to help you pay rent, most of the things were his so you just packed what was yours which was mostly clothes and books. Your room mate knew you were leaving but he didn’t care, he was far well off than you were, he wouldn’t  mind at all living on his own.

    The week passed and you boarded the plane, surprised that you were seated in first class. You sat down and relaxed, after all the planning and packing, you were just too happy to sit and get off your feet. You still didn’t know who you were working for and it killed you not knowing. Who could it be?

    You called your best friend, hoping that the flight attendant wouldn’t catch you. “Hello?”

    “Hey, I’m on the plane now.”

    “I wish I was there to see you off, I’m so swamped here at the office. I don’t feel like a good friend right now.”

    “Oh, stop it. I still love you. I wish you were here too but I’m just glad I can hear your voice before I get there.”

    “Aww, you’re too sweet. Have a good trip, I’ll miss you.”

    “I’ll miss you too. I’ll send you something soon.”

    “Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”

    “Bye.” You hung up the phone before the flight attendant came to your seat to make sure everything was in order. After a while the plane took off and you pulled out your book to read. You didn’t like flying, you watched too many movies with your room mate about high jacking and crashes. It put you on edge and you didn’t like the feeling of uncertainty in you.

    The flight attendant came over and gave you and the guests a blanket and pillow, a nap! That is what you needed to clam your nerves. So, you made yourself comfortable and you eventually fell asleep.

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