Crimson Peak.

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“Who would’ve thought you would land a job with the man you have been swooning over for years?”

You covered your friend’s mouth, “Not so loud.” Then you looked at her and smiled, “I can’t believe it either, he’s sweeter than I thought.”

    “So, let us go shopping for new shoes and jewelry for our night out.”

    “Am I dreaming? Is this happening to me?” You asked. “OW!“ You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your shoulder and you looked at your friend, “Nope, you’re awake.”

    Once again you had found yourself at the street vendors, looking around to find some nice things to go with your dresses. They had so many beautiful items from all over the world and you couldn’t decide what to get.

    “Hello again.” Charlie said from his vending tent. You turned around to see him cooking his kebabs. “I hope you found your boss alright.”

    “Yes, he turned up home. Thanks for helping me again last night.” Charlie was smiling at your friend and she was smiling back. “Uhm. Have you met my friend, (bff/n)? she just came here this morning from New York.”

    “Its nice to meet you.” he said shaking her hand and burning his other on the grill. He jumped back and held his hand in pain, trying to play it off.

    “Are you alright?” she asked.

    “Oh, I’m fine. I’m used to it. So, what are you two pretty ladies up to this morning?”

    “Shopping. Her and I are having a night out with my boss. I guess it’s a way of thanking me for searching for him.”

    “Oh, I see. No thanks for the vendor Charlie?” he teased.

    “I can see if he can-”

    “That’s okay. I’m not a party kind of guy. Bring me something back?”

    “I’ll see what I can do.” you smiled seeing that your friend and Charlie started staring at each other again.

    “It was nice to meet you(bff/n).”

    “You too. I guess, I’ll see you around?”

    “I’m always here.”

    “You want to hang out later? I’m sure my friend would like to get to know you better.” You said putting your best friend on the spot. She looked at you as if she were going to kill you.

    “Is that alright with you?” Charlie asked.

    “Of course.” she smiled.

    “it’s a date then.” he laughed nervously. “I’ll see you two soon.” Your bestie walked along the street with you once more,

    “Thanks so much for that, (y/n).” your friend said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes. “Ooh!” you were sidetracked when you spotted the perfect pair of shoes to wear. “I love these.” you checked the tag. “Not a bad price. I’m going to get them.”

    “And I’m going to get these.” your friend spotted a pair of heels she liked and you both carried on until noon shopping along the streets.

    When you both arrived back home, Tom was standing in your living room with two gifts wrapped up in paper, “Two dresses for two lovely ladies.” he handed you your dress, you opened the paper and held it up. It was a silky (f/c) drapery garment with an open back. You gasped and looked at Tom.

    “Can I hug you?” you asked. Tom smiled and opened his arms and you hugged him tight. “Thank you, Tom. Its perfect.”

    “You are most welcome. You deserve it after-”

HiddlestonxReader: Maid to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now