Kissing a Fan.

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  He drove down to Kensington Gardens and parked near the entrance. He opened your door and helped you out of the car. “Welcome to Kensington Gardens, my love.”

    He walked you along the trails covered in flowers of all colors. Roses, lilies and daisies dotted the beautiful gardens. Gorgeous statues and sculpted bushes poked out from the flowers and tall grass. You walked hand in hand until he stopped to pick a rose from the garden. “You’re not allowed to do that.” you said.

    “Of course I’m allowed to. No one is going to say anything anyways.” Tom placed it in your hair and continued walking with you. You both reached a beautiful fountain and a flash of light had blinded both of your eyes. “Smile for the camera, Tom? Who is your new lady? She’s rather pretty.” Really? A Paparazzi just had to show up on your date with Tom.

    “Who she is, is no business of yours unless she wants to reveal her name.” Tom said bringing you behind him in order to protect you.

    “Oh come on, everyone knows you are dating your maid.”

    “How wrong would that be?” you said approaching the man with the camera in his hand. “If you don’t mind, I am on a date with this lovely man and you are ruining it.”

    “I just need one good picture. Then I will be out of your hair. I don’t like this job either but it pays the rent, you know what I mean?” he shrugged.

    “One picture, then you are gone from us.” you demanded.

    “I promise.”

You turned to Tom and hugged his neck, “Alright, darling. Lets give this old cock a good picture so we can enjoy ourselves.”

    “Alright then, mother hen.” he teased. He dipped you in front of the fountain, giving you a kiss on the lips.

    “Perfect! Thank you so much. Have a good day you two.” The man walked off and you both were left alone again.  

    “Thank you.” Tom said as the man left.

    “You are quite strong. You almost scared me out of my wits dipping me so low like that.” you smiled.

    “Its going to be a wonderful picture though.”

    “Yes, I believe it is.”

    “So, now that you are my girlfriend and no longer my maid. What do you plan on doing? You said that you wanted to apply for school.”

    “Yes, I should get started on that.”

    “Just let me know if you need any help. I can write a letter of recommendation if you need it.”

    “hmm… I guess it does pay to have friends in high places.” you said kissing him softly on the lips.

    “Yes, it does. I think we should get on that boat. This bottle of wine is getting lonely.”

    “Well, what are we waiting for?”

    You both rented a canoe and set out on the lake. The afternoon sun was hiding behind some gray clouds, giving you the perfect lighting. He poured the wine in a pair of glasses and handed one to you.   “So, I must ask. Since I found out you were a fan... How big of a fan are you?"

    "I'm a pretty big fan. I drawn you as Loki and squealed when you were on the television...just a typical fan, me."

    "Nah. you're not just a regular fan. I'm glad that I met a fan who treats me like a human being and not a...god, just because I play one."

HiddlestonxReader: Maid to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now